Introduction: Let's step back a few paces and try to take in the year 2020 in one worldview summary take. I am not promising you anything, but let's give it a go. Joel McDurmon recently asked what ...
Getting Evangelicals Saved
Introduction: Those who have followed this blog for a while are probably aware of a general pattern that I do try to follow. Whenever I address some current events imbroglio, whether it be race riots, ...
Discredited Down to the Ground
Introduction: So I am going to be writing about our discredited ruling class, and the rest of us who enable them, but I want to begin with a parable. The subject matter of the parable is not exactly ...
The Binariest of Choices
Introduction: Last Friday when I left the office to head home, I was greeted out on the sidewalk by a liberal lady (who would self-identify as an evangelical, if that helps, which it shouldn’t) who was masked up, carrying a poster that chided Christ Church for having held a joint service last Sunday. Our problem …
Black Lies Matter
Introduction: Would you rather I had said that all lies matter? I will explain the hypocrisy shortly, but in the meantime, as a matter of fact, I have done such a thing before. But nobody listened ...
The Great Cat Poo Medallion
Rod Dreher has a good piece here on the great looming alternative that now confronts us. Within the biblical framework of a rightly-ordered patriotism, it is easy for Christians to take our native loyalties to our native land as a simple given, while reserving to ourselves the right to disagree with or oppose the decisions …
That America Is Gone Now
Introduction: Sometime last week, Kevin DeYoung outraged the already outraged by suggesting that it is time for faithful believers to think about a new culture wars strategy. Given that he ...
Hot Gospel for Heated Times
Introduction: Inspirational thoughts go better with a sunset. What I would like to do is to bring the good news of the grace of God to those in the grip of our current imbecilities, but I would ...
The Floyd Riots as a Clear Summons for Four More Years of Trump
Introduction: If you want to know what is going on in America right now, you will need at least a couple of things. The first thing required is that you will need to be looking at it from the ...
Contagion, Cooties, and COVID-19
Introduction: One of the things that few people seem to grasp is that we are trying to deal simultaneously with two very different but equally contagious phenomenon. The first is the coronavirus itself, ...