It will no doubt be said, by some observers anyhow, that I can’t quite make up my mind. It will be said by others that I have adopted as my motto “the dwarves are for the dwarves,” and have taken to shooting both Calormene soldiers and horses. And a third group will speculate that I must have peered over the lip of my recent Trump vote, seen the abyss below, and am trying to come skulking back.

None of these observations are true, but all of them are at least plausible, if the light is dim, and if you squint. And then lie.
True Christian Political Thought
If you were to summarize the essential feature of Christian political thought in one phrase, it would be limited government. Only God is absolute, and because this absolute God sent His Son into the world, and after His crucifixion raised Him from the dead, our confession is that this Jesus is Lord. Because Jesus is Lord, this means that Caesar is not Lord. It means that Jesus is the Lord of Caesar, and it follows from this that Caesar’s rule has specified boundaries and limits.
Limited government is necessary to Christian political thought because of two limitations that human beings have. The first is because we are finite creatures, and the second is because we are fallen creatures. We are finite and bounded, and this means that running the cosmos is way above our pay grade. Whenever we attempt it, we are necessarily in over our heads. The second problem is that we are bent, proud, and selfish, which means that we combine our tendency to grasp at things selfishly with our general incompetence.
To take a trivial example, we do not have the capacity to set prices on popsicles, for example, and still have popsicles, and on top of that trouble, we find that our politicians are almost immediately taking kickbacks from an overly-regulated popsicle industry, and then there was a very big scandal. It was all very sad.
Government among men must be limited because rulers are not as competent as they think they are, and they are not as selfless as they say they are.
Government among men must be limited because rulers are not as competent as they think they are, and they are not as selfless as they say they are.
The natural adversary of Christian political thought, therefore, is arbitrary government. Arbitrary governments brook no limits, and so thoughtful Christians want nothing to do with arbitrary government. And, coming to the point, we don’t like arbitrary government from the right any more than we like it from the left. Those who gather up the perks of arbitrary government, whether from the left or the right, share the same motto, which is BHM, or Black Hearts Matter.
The Honesty Button
So you have a hypothetical button in front of you. If you push it, it will guarantee that the electoral process will have been as honest as these things get in a fallen world, but it does not guarantee that your preferred candidate will win. If you decline to push the button, however, then that will ensure that your preferred candidate will win. If you stare at that button, hesitating, you are in sin. If you decide at the end of the day to not push it, you are in deep sin.
Biden supporters should want integrity in the process, even if that means that Trump wins. Trump supporters should want integrity in the process, even if that means that Biden wins. This is just another way of saying that honesty is a good thing.
Scripture says that those who measure themselves with themselves are not wise (2 Cor. 10:12). As I write this, a forensic audit of voting machines in Michigan is underway. Presumably we have third party investigators doing it, and observers from both political parties close enough to see. Some people didn’t think such an audit was necessary and some people did, but can we agree now, since it is underway, that we should be willing to adjust our views to the honest results of an honest audit? If the audited results from the machines are basically the same as what we saw election night, then Trump supporters should accept those results, and withdraw their charges of fraud in Michigan against Dominion. And if the audited results are radically different, then Biden supporters should accept those results, and withdraw the charge of political buffoonery against those who claimed foul on election night.
I am writing this way now because something more might be afoot.
Every Bit as Festive
I am writing about this, not because this whole thing has happened yet, but part of it has, and I see the possibility of the whole carnival taking shape. It is possible that all the rides are being assembled, and not just some of them. And because 2021 is promising to be every bit as festive as 2020 was, I thought I should lay down some principles now so that no one could claim that I was trying “walk anything back” when some of these bad things that I am envisioning start to happen, and I point out that they are doing so. What do I mean?
I mean that Christians need to start preparing — both theologically and practically — for the prospect of arbitrary government coming at us from more than just one direction. I mean by this the prospect of arbitrary government from the right as well as from the left.
Biden and Arbitrary Government
In previous installments, I have written about the totalitarian methods and goals of the left. One of my central principles is to take a swing at commie leftism every clear chance I get, and I have not been reluctant about doing this throughout the course of the 2020 presidential campaign.
The fraud that has been evident in this last election has been grease fire obvious to anybody willing to look straight at it. This fraud is not an inconsistency on the part of the left because their worldview is a totalizing one, and they define democracy as their side winning. They know they are cheating, the way traditionalists define it. But they don’t care. If you can look at that video footage of the suitcases being hauled out from under the table in Georgia and not say, at a bare minimum, that further pointed questions need to be asked, then you, my friend, are engaged in the hope-filled project of sending Simple Simon to the Electoral College instead of to the fair.
Not only so, but for the left it is not just a matter of getting elected by hook or by crook, but also a matter of governing in that same way. If you want a glimpse of the leftist mind in action, then simply look at how the bluest states are handling COVID, masks, and lock downs. They are power tripping in that demented way they have, and it is like somebody gave a tumbler of bourbon to a three-year-old.
If Biden is inaugurated, then you can look for one tedious attempt after another, with each attempt being to impose despotic government-by-fiat on us.
Trump and Arbitrary Government
But it is not as though this sort of thing is impossible from the right. I want to mention a couple items of grave concern here, and to express my alarm. This is a worry, not an accusation, but to be honest, it is a DEFCON 2 worry. In the next section, I will mention how these things could possibly have a more benign take, but not enough of a benign take to erase the need for a worry that arises in the heart of every skittish patriot. Skittish patriots are the same thing as thoughtful patriots, by the way,
So here are two things which, if taken together and shaken, could result in the King of the Bad Ideas.
The first is this: in 2018, Trump signed an executive order that placed the United States in a state of emergency with regard to foreign interference in our elections. This was signed without a great deal of fanfare at the time, but it would have been hard for the Democrats to make anything of it because they were in the middle of claiming that some Russians had destroyed our democracy through buying a handful of Facebook ads. They were on a crazed foreign interference jag, and so they weren’t really in a position to say that such an executive order wasn’t all that necessary. That executive order is active now and, if acted upon in a particular way, it could result in a monumental crisis.
The executive order stipulates that 45 days after the election (which would be Dec. 18), a number of high-level officials (e.g. Attorney-General, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, et al.) will deliver a report to the president that informs him whether or not there was foreign interference in our election. This is perhaps a cliff-hanger, because the Electoral College is scheduled to meet on Dec. 14 — though I don’t believe that date is set in stone. If interference is discovered to have been interfering, then the president can take decisive action, including the seizure of any assets of any players in said interference. An obvious target of this would be a company like Dominion, but it could ratchet up to entities as big as Twitter.
Of course, the problem is that not acting on confirmed interference could result in a monumental crisis also, see the previous section. Such is life.
The second worrisome thing is this. Just this last week, I read about a full-page ad that was taken out in the Washington Times by a political group out of Ohio, calling on the president to declare “limited martial law” in order to hold a new federal election. The thing that was noteworthy about this was that the recently-pardoned Michael Flynn retweeted that call, in essence lobbying for the same thing.
The problems with this kind of bizarro-thought do not just jump off the page at you. They jump off the page, yelling at you, clutching you by both shoulders, and then shaking you like a rag doll.
First, what is this strange creature, this thing called limited martial law? Methinks it dwelleth far away in the land of Oxymaroon.
Second, why did they put a picture of Abraham Lincoln on their ad, the president who suspended habeas corpus, and had newspaper editors arrested simply for disagreeing with him? Trick question. I know why they put his picture on there. It is because if they get away with what they are trying to pull, they will get to write the history books just like the fans of Abe did. They will be heroes also, just like Lincoln still is.
Third, to have the federal government oversee the election of the president, instead of having fifty states do it, would be the utter demolition of our system of government. We would then be living under an arbitrary government from the right instead of Biden-style from the left. For some reason I am reminded of Tolstoy’s comment that the difference between revolutionary repression and reactionary repression is the difference between dogshit and catshit.
Now mind you, I say this believing that the elections in Pennsylvania and Georgia and Michigan were dirtier than dried egg on a plate, left in the sink from three days ago. But also remember there is no situation so bad but that you can’t make it worse.
If Biden is to prevail, we will be living under arbitrary government. If Trump is kept in office by any means resembling anything like the above, then the same thing would be true. Arbitrary government either way. And arbitrary government is anti-Christian in principle, even if it hasn’t gotten around to persecuting the Christians yet.
The Benign Option
Now it could be that this call for (limited!) martial law was coming from some Ohio yahoos, who got whipped up into a meringue, and started yelling because the gaslighting of the left in this election pushed them beyond the point of human endurance. The idea is still terrible.
And perhaps Michael Flynn may be pardoned for not seeing what a disaster this new political system would be, considering his three-year saga of a travesty with the old political system. Maybe Michael Flynn no longer has a warm spot in his heart for the current way of doing business in Washington. Just a thought. I will give him that. It might be kind of like Ahitophel teaming up with Absalom against David, a thing he ought not to have done. But as Bathsheba’s grandfather, he might have had reasons for taking a dim view of David continuing in office. Maybe he had really liked Uriah, and understandably had negative views about the man who murdered him. So we note that he was on the wrong side, but he might have had personal reasons that would have made it very hard to explain the error of his ways to him. So we will give Michael Flynn a pass, and at the same time go gaakkkk!! at the suggestion.
So how could something this jugheaded possibly be benign? Maybe Trump is playing chess in the seventeenth dimension again. There are some indications that his executive order was a trap that he set and baited for those in the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Why do I say that? And maybe the talk about martial law is not serious in any way, but is more of his Art of the Deal style of negotiation — start the negotiations at a point far beyond what you expect to get, or even want to get. Okay, maybe.
In the speech that Trump gave the other day about the election, there were some phrases that sounded, you know, kind of lawyery, and it did seem like he was setting the stage for legal action on the basis of that executive order. About thirty minutes into the speech, he said, “The only conceivable reason why you would block commonsense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud.” The only thing missing there is the whereas, and the to wit, and the parties of the first part.
Now if he does take action on the basis of the executive order, and does so in a way that simply kicks the issues involved into the courts, then I have no real problem. That really would be benign. That would not be arbitrary government.
But if he just up and seizes Google’s assets, however much that makes us want to clap our tiny hands with joy as far as Google’s comeuppance is concerned, the simple fact is that this would be arbitrary government. Maybe some of the editors that Lincoln arrested were actually bad men. Maybe, but that doesn’t matter. That’s not how you do it.
The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate
So how can Christians prepare to resist attempts to impose arbitrary government, whether from this direction or that one?
In the Reformed tradition, there is glorious tradition of resistance, resistance that is grounded in Scripture, with all the basic implications of resistance thought through with great care. Modern Christians need to get more thoroughly acquainted with this tradition, and maybe you can get some Christmas shopping out of the way at the same time. Canon Press has been doing a wonderful job releasing new editions of Christian classics. They just did this recently with a four volume edition of Calvin’s Institutes, Samuel Rutherford’s Lex Rex, and Junias Brutus’s Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos. This last book had the introduction written by Glenn Sunshine, who also wrote a history of Protestant resistance theology entitled Slaying Leviathan. I wrote the introduction to Book IV of Calvin’s Institutes, and also the introduction to Rutherford’s Lex Rex. There is a lot of information there, friend, which you and your people really need.
What the doctrine teaches is this. As Rutherford points out, all the existing civil authorities have their commission from God. Once the officer is installed, by whatever means, they answer to God directly for how they discharge that office. If a president appoints a judge, this does not make that judge the president’s lackey, but was simply the ordinary means by which judges come into their place. But once they come into their place, they are responsible to God for how they behave there. They are appointed by Him to serve there. This means that when a higher magistrate loses his mind, or his grip, or his sense of proportion, and tries to oppress the people, it is up to the lesser magistrates to step in between, to intervene. This is interposition.
If the governors step in to guard the people from something the president does, this is interposition. The principle stays the same if the sheriff steps in to protect the people from ungodly actions by the governor. This has happened a number of times already this last year, as quite a few sheriffs have announced that they are not going to enforce unconstitutional lock down orders.
In Search of a Sane Lesser Magistrate
If we find ourselves under arbitrary government at the national level, whether from the right or from the left, this does not dissolve the bonds between the people and the lesser magistrates. If Biden is inaugurated, and orders the country into a masked lock down, it would be up to the governors to say something like, “You know, we’re not going to do that.” And it would be the responsibility of the people to submit to their governor and allow him to do his duty before God in protecting the people from the inanity.
It is possible to see turmoil erupt at the highest reaches of government and yet not spiral down into anarchy. You might not know who your president is, but you can know who your sheriff is.
So Christians need to be on the lookout for sane lesser magistrates. As things get crazier at the top, we should be looking for sane authority closer to home.
And this means that if the federal government becomes a government that is manifestly arbitrary and capricious, the believer at the local level should move that whole thing into his mental realm of ambiguity. Exercise your responsibility to reserve judgment about who the real president is. We don’t know what is going on up there, and we are not obligated to obey someone just because he says we have to. Biden can’t cheat his way into a position of arbitrary authority over me. But by the same token, Trump can’t do it by means of an executive order. Any arbitrary authority is, by definition, unconstitutional.
And ungodly.
Why do you think the dec 14th date is flexible?
If the political processes dropped both candidates below 270, but a political resolution were possible, I think they would move that date before throwing the election into House. But that may not be possible.
The question of arbitrary government would seem to turn on whether the President’s duty to uphold the Constitution includes extreme actions like martial law. If ordinary remedies (the courts) are corrupted, does the lack of proper process force him to submit? To put it another way, if there is a real emergency accompanied by widespread institutional lawlessness, do the other institutions get to adapt in order to fight effectively, or is that just fighting evil with evil?
This is a real return to sanity. This whole political mess is like two crazy parents having a Jerry Springer fight over who has custody over their children, and the children are all over 21. I do trust my sheriff a lot more than I trust my governor, and even more than I trust Biden or Trump. It may be time to get back to good, ole fashioned, federal government, as envisioned by our founders. That would be a welcome outcome. The church can go back to its rightful role as the voice of moral authority in the public square,… Read more »
I would welcome that result with open arms.
One tiring part of this whole affair is from my fellow conservatives who point to something they saw on Twitter and say “looks like fraud! I’m just saying there should be people looking closely into this!” Then, when “this” is actually looked into, said people do not themselves acknowledge the looking into. Case in point, the “suitcasegate” mentioned above that was a misleadingly edited 90 seconds of surveillance footage. The good news is that we have eight hours of the rest of the footage, and it wasn’t anything fraudulent! Same thing with your claim about PA absentee ballots that could… Read more »
Right. I wrote that there was no way Biden could win without cheating. And he couldn’t.
This was nothing more than a case study in cherry-picking and confirmation bias. There are tons of issues with Dominion–to say it’s been “falsified” is beyond a joke. It’s also well known that rampant fraud has taken place in many places (including big cities) for years. You can debate this woman if you believe otherwise.
And why are the MSM and social media shutting down instantly dismissing and deleting any stories that go against their narrative…if they’re really about fair reporting and free speech? I’ve worked with the kind of people shown in this video (not in elections, but other places). They have zero qualms with lying, cheating, stealing and shutting you down…especially if you’re a white male who leans the least bit to the right.
I’m mot defending the MSM. I don’t like them either, so it’s irrelevant to anything I’ve said. Just so you know, the fact that the MSM has a left bias doesn’t morslly excuse OANN and Newsmax from platforming demonstrably false claims about election fraud like the ones I mentioned above.
Not it’s not. The MSM hasn’t covered (or simply immediately dismissed) many fraud cases while social media deletes them and suspends accounts by the hundreds. What are they afraid of? They obviously don’t want a fair hearing. And you’ve greatly oversimplified things. You don’t dismiss software–with ties to shady people (names now scrubbed) and other nations and connected to the internet–so quickly by a couple of hand counts. Not when it’s used in half the republic. And you certainly haven’t dealt with the issues Dr. Tarver brought up. The funny thing is the MSM was actually concerned about these issues… Read more »
More on the censorship/biased reporting angle.
I think they’re probably afraid of people like you and Doug who will immediately latch onto any ridiculous conspiracy they see on social media no matter how little evidence there is for it.
The dominion vote-switch theory entails one empirical prediction: that the paper trail of ballots will differ from the machine tallies. That thesis is demonstrably disproven by Georgia’s two complete hand recounts, as well as statistically significant samples in Arizona conducted by a tripartisan set of reviewers (R, D, L). By modus tollens, that disproves the Dominion vote-switching theory. When asked why this didn’t disprove the dominion theory, Lin Wood replied “Georgia hasn’t done a recount.” That is simply false. Re: “Cherrypicking,” how about you show me examples of when the trump campaign or allies has ever presented credible evidence of… Read more »
I applaud your attempt to enlighten Doug and his followers. Sadly, you are wasting your time and effort. These folks are convinced that there is a massive deep state conspiracy that includes Republicans and Democrats from federal and state governments, the courts, election officials, Russians, voting machine companies, and my saintly mother. Given the fact that they have been duped by a huckster like Trump for five years, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. I guess they missed the lecture on Occam’s razor.
Schadenfreude is a wonderful thing.
Kelli, your points will go unanswered because there are no answers they are comfortable giving. They’ve abandoned actual desire to use facts and logic when the facts don’t support their desires.
I did see the suitcase video, and I think it’s everything it’s made out to be. There’s even a bit where the woman in purple runs a single stack of ballots through multiple times ( Can you explain how the remaining 8 hours mitigates that? What else was she doing? Same with the “recounts” bit — a recount is not a full hand-tally of ballots, it’s a re-validation of the tallies using the same process. Only a forensic audit gets auditors access to all the physical ballots. Recounts don’t tell us anything. Finally, a common misunderstanding about the Dominion machines… Read more »
Yep. There’s a lot more to this and Dominion than Kelli wants to acknowledge.
Of course, it’s much easier to let a few journalists do the “fact checking” and broad-based denials for you.
I am unfamiliar with the “Lead Stories” claim to have debunked anything and am not relying in any MSM claims. I am talking about the GA governor and Lieutenant governor’s independent assessment using law enforcement officials trained to do so. I have no comment on the video, which I admit is concerning, but that video is not what suitcase gate claimed (boxes of secret ballots hidden under the tables); it purports to show double counting ballots themselves. But because the lady had her back turned, we still can’t be sire what the video shows. Regardless, I expect the Governor’s lads… Read more »
” Regardless, I expect the Governor’s lads are in a better position to figure that out than twitter pundits.”
The bottom line is you trust the government and courts…even though they can choose who gets to testify–including those with evidence that strongly suggests audits and counts aren’t nearly as pristine as you assume.
I trust the Republican state government and the trump-appointed judges who keep dismissing these cases. The judges are operating according to standard rules of evidence. The Kraken and her elite strike force squad are such bad attorneys that they can’t even play by those rules. Instead, they put demonstrably falsified exhibits before the court. I find it incomprehensible that *those* are the people you think are trustworthy in this situation.
You trust people who will continue getting paychecks and pensions but not those who have been doxxed, threatened, lost jobs, had to move, etc. for speaking out. It sounds like you need to read Nassim Taleb’s last book. You go to great lengths to portray people as dishonest when those who have actually lied under oath (Mueller, Zuckerberg, etc.) are clearly on your side. The person I referred to (who wasn’t allowed to testify) was no one you’ve mentioned, so he’s not one of *those* people. The crux of the matter is you can’t “falsify” the Dominion allegations with your… Read more »
If you don’t trust Republican governments and Republican-appointed judges on a matter as essential as counting the votes correctly, then why would you even care anymore who gets elected?
“Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins debunked claims made on his own network that ‘mysterious’ suitcases filled with ballots contributed to voter fraud in the Georgia election. The 90-second clip, which was shared by President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani at a hearing before Georgia’s Senate Judiciary subcommittee on Thursday, shows election workers in Fulton County rolling containers—which Fox News reporters claimed were ‘suitcases’—from underneath a table at the State Farm Arena where ballot-counting took place on November 3. Jenkins, after speaking with Georgia officials, said on Friday morning that reports claiming the video showed unsupervised voter fraud were ‘simply… Read more »
Too late, Jonathan. Your debunk has been debunked — preemptively. See C Herrera’s comment #234515 for the link.
Do try to keep up.
Read first, FP. The statements I quoted concern whether the video shows anything fraudulent or inappropriate and whether anything inappropriate occurred with election workers. Theycome from Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling, and chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state Francis Watson. The link in C Herrera’s comment doesn’t contradict anything they say about the video or the counting process. It deals with whether there was miscommunication about the pace of counting and instructions to observers. But not once in that link does it dispute the statements by Raffensperger… Read more »
Yes, the link does contradict it. Try reading it in its entirety. It’s all right there.
Already did. It wasn’t there.
Your denialism, although adorable, does not the truth make. Try reading for comprehension. It’s there.
Nope, still not there. I quoted my evidence in detail. If you had any you could quote it similarly.
Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling, and chief investigator for the Georgia secretary of state Francis Watson have said that the entire video shows standard procedure and there is nothing inappropriate or fraudulent about the process shown in the video. Show me where that has been debunked.
Yup, still there. The link has the evidence in detail. Closing your eyes and ears doesn’t make the truth go away.
I can sympathize with your concerns, however let me give you some “on the ground” intelligence of what’s happening here in Georgia. Let me start with I’m not a GOP partisan, and I am a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the State of Georgia that banned the continued use of my state’s previous voting systems ( and is now seeking to redress many of the same flaws in our current systems. I have assisted in recruiting over 400 volunteers to poll watch or monitor elections-related activity; the Constitution Party of Georgia has authorized volunteers for poll watching since this January… Read more »
And here in Fresno County, CA we have a fantastic Sheriff, Margaret Mimms. She told the governor that she can’t have her officers issuing citations to violators of his edicts as they are too busy re-arresting the criminals he released from jail.
Who’s hiring in Fresno? Asking for a friend.
Pastor Wilson, Thank you for the timely address of the multitude of issues during this event horizon. I have additional questions/thoughts regarding the instant case. Since, in the Constitution, the President is the chief of any executive branch department (which would be any “department”, “bureau or “administration”), it would seem as if he has Constitutional authority to lawfully direct their conduct. I have often (internally) questioned the “interfering with an investigation” accusations that have been made by the left against DJT. How can one interfere in an activity of which you are the chief investigator thereof? It might be unjust… Read more »
Regarding since there is no comment option on that post for some reason… I appreciate the point you are making in that post, however this portion stuck out: “…and if you shop Amazon, where nobody yells at you for not wearing a mask…” Right, Amazon just restricted us from buying masks and other critical healthcare supplies during the first few weeks/months when the WHO and every reasonable person thought they might be helpful against what was (at that time) a deadly disease that was just confirmed to be transmissible via air. Amazon restricted those items to only “approved medical… Read more »
Yeah, but that’s okay, because when supplies were low at the start of everything in March, the CDC was also telling us that the masks don’t really work anyway so we should save them for medical personnel.
Well, all I know is if LeBron is willing to wear a mask, then so am I. And shame on MJ.
What course of action would you recommend for someone whose lesser magistrates’ minds are far more lost than those at the national level?
That question makes a good point. Move? No use looking past more proximate crazy just to glare at D.C.
If I were one of Trump’s supporters and I believed his claims about election fraud I would be angry enough to be done with him for tolerating the sheer incompetence of whatever passes for his legal team. Or I might begin to suspect they’re doing the best they can with the nothing they’ve got.
Yep, yep, and some more yep. 3 bags full.
Or you realize there’s a Fourth Estate that will lie through their teeth and cover up any evidence contrary to their narrative….along with courts across the nation that have been corrupt for years.
The Fourth Estate is lying….to the courts? They manage to cover up evidence in a way that prevents Trump’s lawyers from presenting it in court?
Of course if the courts across the nation have been corrupt for years that makes President Trumps legal effort pointless. You should be mad at him for trying, by bothering to appeal to said corrupt courts, to con you into imagining courts have any legitimacy, or else disgusted with him for being so naive as to not see what is what is so clear to you.
C Herrera,
Did you discern this with or without your tinfoil hat? Trump could really use you on his legal team.
Mr. Clay: 👍👍👍👍👍
What he’s trying to point out to you is that Trump’s legal team hasn’t even managed to competently present any of the fraud claims that people like you are pushing on these pages. Most of the claims that Doug and posters like you have made haven’t been presented by them to the courts at all (because they’re so obviously false), and some of the claims they have presented were based on documents they had outright falsified. Do you believe you know more than Trump’s own lawyers? If so, can you tell us while they’re performing so poorly and failing to… Read more »
Trump is the lesser Magistrate. There exists a world of faux elites who want to control all those beneath them with the help of the Chinese ( Since the Banking system, commerce transactions, and money supply are Country wide and controlled (unlike the 15th and 16th centuries in which the books you mentioned were written), we have to realize that who is in the White House does matter as much as the local officials. By the way, Would you tolerate a governor promoting cheating at your local sheriff’s election and helping a petty tyrant win (though the cheating could not… Read more »
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