Letter to the Editor: I was wondering if you would comment on the Pope essentially establishing moral equivalence between blessing same sex relationships and what are called "irregular situations" ...
Letters to Help You Not Think Too Much About What Presents You Might Get
Letter to the Editor: Why should or shouldn’t churches incorporate? And where do you land? Joshua -- Doug responds: Joshua, laws vary from state to state, so this ...
Do Your Christmas Shopping After You Post the Letter
Letter to the Editor: I think I was able to follow your argument in "Living faith has no side hustles." Justifying faith is alive from the moment God gives it as a gift. It rests on ...
Letters Keep Arriving
Letter to the Editor: Regarding "Mud Fence Ugly" Reformed scholar Calvin Seerveld rightly said "When Christianity abandons the arts, they really do go to hell." Unfortunately, a century ...
Letters As November Fades to Black
Letter to the Editor: I must thank you for your work in Collision—your debates helped persuade a Hitchens fan into Christianity. Do you have any advice on learning how to initiate and handle ...
Letters Filled With Nothing But Words
Letter to the Editor: Re: The Bottom of the Empathy Hole I come to NQN to see something lit on fire. I was not disappointed! P.S. I detect the smell of empathy burning. jph ...
November Epistolary Admonitions, the First Two Particularly
Letter to the Editor: From "Empathy as the Headwaters of Cruelty": "There are of course some people’s children who never paid much attention in English class, and who simply use ...
Letter to the Editor: Saying, "I believe in democracy" or "I believe in a multi-ethnic state", etc. is the equivalent of saying, "I believe in love." However, "love" is a noun of indistinct ...
Letters On the Very Threshold of November
Letter to the Editor: Can you recommend any good resources-books or video series-for learning church history from a Protestant point of view? Thank you and God bless. Ryan ...
An October Penultimate Close-Out Sale on Letters
Letter to the Editor: Your article on blasphemy laws was great. I borrow from you liberally when trying to persuade my friends about the imperative of us becoming a Christian nation. Make ...