Letter to the Editor: Thank you SO much for this post. You are the ONLY person, let alone authority figure, that I have seen who has not condemned Chauvin (though he may be fully ...
Letters in the Asylum
I would ask for my money back at a minimum. Letter to the Editor: Go home 2020, you're drunk! Jordan -- Doug responds: About sums it up. Letter to the Editor: ...
So Then. Letters.
Letter to the Editor: Thanks for saying here what isn’t being said elsewhere. But one point that I want to address is this growing trend of anti-cop, anti-government anger that is distancing ...
Letters Upon Another Tuesday
Letter to the Editor: Hi Pastor Doug (great name, btw) I agree with your post about Trump’s declaration that he made last Friday if it were an executive order outside the bounds of his ...
The COVID Panic Is Waning. We Are Starting to Get Letters About Other Stuff.
Letter to the Editor: I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts on what’s been happening with this pandemic. One issue that I’d love to hear your thoughts on is mandatory vaccinations. Recently, ...
Letters about WWJD Ankle Bracelets
Letter to the Editor: Long-time reader from Australia. I sincerely hope you're able to help me because I need help right now. My family and I have a worry. As easing restrictions on Covid-19 ...
Who Was That Masked Letter Writer?
Letter to the Editor: Thank you for your take on to wear or not to wear. I have a similar take on the masks immediately following this panic. I am wearing a mask at work because they have ...
Letters in the Lock Down
This is quite possibly the way the Spirit communicated to Paul that he was not to go to Bithynia (Acts 16:7 ). Letter to the Editor: Did you mean Panic Born in the Aftermath? or Panic ...
Letters About Our Close Call
Letter to the Editor: Concerning "One of Our Bees is Missing", you have probably answered this somewhere in the last couple of weeks, but if we had not shut anything down, how many thousands ...
A Covidatudinous Collection of Letters
Letter to the Editor: Reacting to "This Shambling and Shameful and Shambolic Shamdemic" I think your comparison of COVID-19 to climate change is irresponsible. There is no evidence that climate ...