Not a good example of social distancing . . . Letter to the Editor: Thanks for all of your work on these posts. I notice the Lord's hand on this virus. He has done this in a way that ...
Lots to Talk About Tuesday
Letter to the Editor: Hear Hear to the whole thing. But you could have added an explanatory sentence that one of the nefarious things the husband in the play did was to turn down the GAS ...
Grateful for Tuesdays
Letter to the Editor: "Trump represents that kind of threat for all kinds of reasons, mostly having to do with the divine sense of humor." LOL. Isn't that the truth! Mike ...
You Know, Tuesday . . .
Letter to the Editor: Re. Cast Iron Kites - I have been baffled for some time by the evangelical inclination to talk of polygamy as a worse perversion than homosexuality. Christ states ...
Letters Are Back!
Letter to the Editor: Regarding 1 Corinthians 6 and "Whose Ox is Being sued" The text of 1 Corinthians 6 is straightforward enough in its prohibition of Christians taking one another to ...
Things to Write About Keep Happening
Letter to the Editor: About your article: "Confessions of a Toxic Boy." Let me just say that you are a perfect picture of what can happen when a session backs their pastor, loves God, ...
Letters! Incoming!
Letter to the Editor: Erasmus said of Luther, "God has sent in this latter age a violent physician on account of the magnitude of the existing disorders." We still celebrate Luther, that ...
Why, It’s Tuesday Again
Letter to the Editor: RE: The Crisis Regarding “Evangelical Fascism” Posted on Monday, January 20, 2020 Well done. This "I feel" instead of "I think" is dangerous and part of ...
Letters With Light Feet
Letter to the Editor: Good stuff! You might enjoy Andrew McCarthy's podcast. You might also enjoy Dan Bongino's. He's an ex-Secret Service agent and an ex-NYC cop, which gives him ...
Defend Free Speech, Write a Letter
Letter to the Editor: The article at this link is a case in point to your argument in "Suppose for Just a Moment That Trump Takes It Walking Away": The process has already begun. ...