Well, it turns out that Ron Paul has more shekels in the bank than John McCain, one of the front runners. And so just what is a front runner anyway? Might it be anyone who is deemed to be such by the media? Is this a great country or what? HT: Tom Brainerd And as …
Look At Me Go
I am the kind of techno maladroit who learns computerish things very slowly. No complaints here, no boasting — just the raw truth. So, for today’s lesson I am going to try to do two new things. Until a short while ago I did not know how to embed a video clip. I still might …
Viking Angst
If you have access to the July/August issue of Touchstone magazine, then you can check out an article that I wrote and which they were kind enough to print. The article is entitled “Weary Anglo Saxon Pagans,” and argues that Beowulf is an outstanding work of Christian evangelism and apologetics.
Against Christianism
I don’t want to distract you from Trinity Fest — you are coming, aren’t you? — but for those who like to schedule things well in advance, here is some teaser info on the ministerial conference we are holding this fall. More details forthcoming later.
A Ripping Good Adventure Yarn
A few weeks ago, Christianity Today reviewed Leepike Ridge in their print edition. They have now put that review on the front page of their web site here. And in other related news, the July/August edition of The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (published by Johns Hopkins) reviewed Nate’s book and gave it …
Overwhelmed and Encouraged
Week after next Nancy and I will be in Atlanta with hundreds of other classical Christian educators for the annual ACCS conference. These conferences are always a wonderful time, and the phrase that I have used to describe them is “simultaneously overwhelming and encouraging.” If you are at all interested in the recovery of classical …
The Chickification of Modern Culture
Let me continue to recommend the blog of the Bayly brothers. They understand, as few others do, that the really serious issues confronting the Church today have to do with how we go about defining of male and female, and whether we are going to submit to the teaching of Scripture on this or not. …
My Question Exactly: “Why?”
Never tiring of fulfilling the need we have for yet another angle on evangelism, somebody came up with this — a guilt trip with baby Jesus as the driver. We need to try an evangelistic rally in a stadium with one of these on the JumboTron. Watch it for a few minutes to get the …
Worship Right, Work Hard, Study Deep, and Play Harder
One of the measurments for God’s blessings we can use around here is how many times I am compelled to resort to making a Shameless Appeal. When I first added that category to this blog, it was occasionally used, but now it seems to me that I am always telling or reminding you about something …
Even Interestinger
Over the few years this blog has been up and going, I have periodically given a report on the web traffic doings here. The natural time for doing this is birthdays, but I was so busy that this blog’s third birthday passed by a few weeks ago without me noticing it. Oops and sorry. But …