Somebody’s gotta clean up around here.
Why God Gave Some Men Fingers
This is a good business. HT: Bayly Blog
A Little Irreverence Goes a Long Way
Jihad. The Musical. HT: Steven Wedgeworth
Oh, Yeah?
Some friends were talking about Rene Girard and his work, and one of them thought to send me this clip — illustrative of the bizarre nature of mimetic conflict. Enjoy.
Fall Conference
It was recently brought to my attention that I missed a question in the comments section of one of my shameless appeals. David Bayly asked this about our ministerial conference in October: “Further information on this would be helpful for those of us who have to plan significantly ahead to attend such conferences. For instance, …
Relevance in the Passing Lane
The entire collection can be seen here, but I needed to post my four favorites. HT: Austin Storm
Book Sites Are Always Worth a Look
Some of you may be familiar with the web site Books on the Path. I just had a delightful visit with the new owner and manager of that business, and thought you might be interested in taking a look.
Trinity Fest Nudge
If there are any of you out there who would love to be at Trinity Fest (see large toucan below), but are not going to make it because you are financially strapped, there are some scholarships available that would discount the registration fee. If you are in that category, contact our church office at …
Synchronized Corn on the Cob Eating
As many of you know, my daughter and son-in-law, and their five kids, have been at Oxford the last year, and just got home the night before last. We of course had to have ourselves a barbeque, along with a little synchronized corn on the cob eating in our front yard. And here is a …
Kind of Makes You Proud
An Oregon man covered 193 miles in a lawn chair, powered by 105 helium balloons. HT: Dale Courtney