The Content Cluster Muster (12.19.19)

Freely Give: All our Christmas gifts are also a celebration of that great gift that was given to us. We celebrate the Incarnation—the prerequisite gift that enabled God to give us the even greater gift of the crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus was born to die, and all of this—birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension—was …

The Content Cluster Muster (12.12.19)

Reformed Basics: We're excited to share with you a pilot project called 'Reformed Basics: The Christian Faith in Catechism' on Amazon Prime!In these 3 episodes, @douglaswils and @TJSumpter walk through the sovereignty of God, covenant theology, and postmillennialism.— Christ Church (@Christ_Kirk) December 10, 2019 Speaks for Itself. Like Most Gifs: By What Standard: …

Something Else to Look At

So I wanted to let you all know about a pilot project we have underway. We are calling it Reformed Basics, and we currently have 3 episodes posted on Amazon Prime. Here is the link: The episodes are about twenty minutes long, and are geared at high school level (although I believe that both younger …

The Content Cluster Muster (12.05.19)

Not Too Soon to be Thinking of Summer: Always an Open Road Something: And as always, more to be seen here. A Kind and Thoughtful Take on Some of What is Going On Here: Evidentialist Apologetics: A bobcat jumps over a river with a single leap— Roberto Alonso González Lezcano (@robertoglezcano) December 1, 2019 …

The Content Cluster Muster (11.28.19)

So Get a Load of That: In Everything Give Thanks:[0]=68.ARCVvXUUIgZ-MkmreP4bNjGOWtowgJoV3YPgsCebugYKy5wXDoJQ-TAxP0TO43k_D9BdrbHhh-JOxgLhyWNE6XC1eOFYCSPghilcLplaBYLhgZpdRbwoWiV2Z9IHDCejYLH2T0jUQbnBVf0o7ejiz3E15dpzFzXPa4MvuWY2vu2PPGOWte7zYLrFW1-OTT7ZTqKeKT_S1j45thMU_8PIglJMRkpUbDGQ7odRYwSSioiVYgCzFBkwalsfMJroiVKEQaNe9sr2QCB7760ZKL9heoQ2xnSKW0GnnMenaIRS6kOMt3Gw7DiNzxVnvuVg-8NpFOacaHrmLYgJizdwwTi0gKKQ9ljAT9q1V2WFiw&__tn__=-R A Point of View, Certainly: Keeping Track of the Woke X’s & O’s: I’m grateful Dr. Prior has declined any “additional affiliation” beyond her endorsement. But that’s not a withdrawal of an endorsement or removal of support for Revoice’s mission. And that of course, …

The Content Cluster Muster (11.21.19)

Great Book: Open Dirt Roads Are Good Too: Dad’s Band Videos Are Up: Living Rent Free: Who did this— Canon Press (@canonpress) November 19, 2019 Christ Church Made the News: So does the gospel prevail or not?— Waterboy (@GMRench) November 17, 2019

The Content Cluster Muster (11.14.19)

A Bit of Goodness, Right There: Reactions to Mac: Thx PlannedParenthood for Making it Clear: The Lord Sayin’ “Knock off those praise choruses.”: How Billionaires Spend Their Money: While you may not agree with all the ways billionaires save and spend their money, the view that billionaires are like dragons just sitting …

Where’d the Letters Go?

Andrew Marvell once eloquently spoke of “time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near,” and sometimes in the hurly burly of life hurtling by, time’s wingèd chariot overtakes one, and runs one clean over. I mention this merely as a way of explaining why there will be no letters section this morning.

The Content Cluster Muster (10.31.19)

GraceAgenda 2020: ANNOUNCING #GRACEAGENDA2020 – Apr. 24–25, in Moscow, ID.— Christ Church (@Christ_Kirk) October 25, 2019 Something Scary for Halloween : Gayness and Being Christian: The False Gospel of Feminism: "The breast of feminism is filled with the rebellious poison of autonomy, & an entire generation has been suckled by that …