Something Else to Look At

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So I wanted to let you all know about a pilot project we have underway. We are calling it Reformed Basics, and we currently have 3 episodes posted on Amazon Prime. Here is the link:

The episodes are about twenty minutes long, and are geared at high school level (although I believe that both younger and older might be able to profit from them). I do one on the sovereignty of God, Toby does one on the covenant, and I do a third on postmillennial eschatology.

I said above that it is a pilot project. I am leaving the comments open so that you might, well, comment on them. We test drove them with about fifty kids here at Christ Church, and they were received well. If you think it would be valuable for us to make more of these, please say so. And feel free to mention other topics that you would like to see addressed.

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5 years ago

My family definitely enjoyed them! My oldest four especially (ages 6-11) appreciated them, although my oldest two were probably the two that really can keep up with it intellectually. I would love to see you go through various highlights of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. You could rearrange the concepts and reorder them, but those concepts are key for those coming up in the faith to know. It wouldn’t hurt to work through the 10 Commandments and prayer too, since those are both important and practical. But definitely need more episodes! We have worked through a bunch of the Ligonier stuff… Read more »

5 years ago

My wife and I just watched the first one. I thought the format and content were helpful and very interesting. The visual illustrations were also very well done. All in all, more of this kind of material would be welcomed in our house.

I though that it (the first episode) moved a little bit too quickly at times, and I did not like the constant appearing of the words of text to emphasize the particular text/point/etc… but my wife did, so that may come down to personal preference.

Thanks for putting this together. Looking forward to episodes 2 and 3.

5 years ago

Blown away by the production quality. Well done! I really enjoyed this first episode and thought it well laid out the complex issues of sovereignty in a simple manner. Keep them coming, please.

Thiago Cavalcanti
Thiago Cavalcanti
5 years ago

Like “Man Rampant”, this content is only available in US/UK Prime, so even though I am an Amazon Prime subscriber I can’t watch this too. I tried to contact someone at Cannon Press about this but got dismissed pretty quickly by a fellow named Jake McAtee, whose only suggestion was for me to try and impersonate an US resident through a VPN (which besides the un-christian nature of the suggestion, Amazon is able to detect) and then stopped responding to my emails. You have an international audience Pastor Doug, and we have no qualms about paying for the content you… Read more »

Michael Travis Prince
Michael Travis Prince
5 years ago

Keep. Making. More.

Thiago McHertt
5 years ago

It’d be great to have it (and Man Rampant) either available to Brazil’s Prime Video or to have other way to buy/access them.

5 years ago

I’ve watched a couple of the videos. They are quite good. I also asked a friend of mine to take a look. He liked them as well.

Trey Mays
5 years ago

I’m a college graduate now and I thought Reformed Basics was great. You should do more. Maybe do some episodes on the more “angular” doctrines and topics the Scriptures are conservatively clear on, but our Respectable Moderns want us to believe the Bible is silent.

3 years ago

Would love to see some basic intro to apologetics.