And here it is.
A Conference Invitation
Two Influential Thinkers of the Western World
HT: Johnny Simmons
Hitch On Prayer
Here are some thoughts by Christopher on the efficacy of prayers for his cancer. The obvious conclusion is that we need to double down.
Internet Kudos
Here is a web site that looks like a promising bundle of theological resources. Kudos to the guys who got this going again.
Unapologetic Apologetics
Nancy and I are coming to Virginia about a month from now, and looking forward to it. You can check out the conference info here.
A Funny Kind of Sad
Either that, or a sad kind of funny. HT: Nathaniel Carswell.
Letham and Hamilton
I know a number of friends in the UK follow this blog, and here is a special announcement just for you all — along with anyone over here who has enough frequent flyer miles. I speak of this conference, and commend it to you heartily. Wish I could go to it.
Breeders No More
Christian parents of high school students really need to think through their assumptions about higher education. And by “think through,” I really mean “rethink.” Here is a link to help kick start that process. Christians need to stop being the secularist breeding program.
What the Cool Kids Are Watching
We have really enjoyed working on the CanonWIRED video clips, and we have received some good feedback from you all about it. For those of you who just recently got here (and that includes a number of you, I think), we thought it would be good to post a list of the top ten most …