Here is a great article for those who would like help in understanding their daughters.
A Genuine Question
In a recent post, I asked what Reformed college other than NSA holds to the doctrine of creation in six ordinary days. A couple of institutions that were faithful on this point were brought to my attention — Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. You can read their testimonies here and here. Well …
Designer Vestments: Renouncing the World in Style
A worthwhile discussion about vestments is being had over at Baylyblog. If you join that discussion, be sure to behave.
Feast of Weeks
I was privileged the other evening to sit in on a fantastic lecture by Tim Edwards. For those thinking about getting an NSA menu, this is an hors d’oeuvres from our M.St. course. Dr. Timothy Edwards : A Defense of Biblical Hebraism from Daniel Foucachon on Vimeo.
Keeping It Sassy
As many of you know, for many years we have had a ministerial conference here in Moscow. This year, we still have one, but things are a tad different. The main conference is now open to everyone, come one, come all, on Friday and Saturday. But there will still be a ministerial conference (the day …
With Eyes Open, in Other Words
And here is a sane defense of voting GOP. Worth reading.
The Old Suits and Haircuts Problem
Suits and Haircuts from Canon Wired on Vimeo.
The Straight Skinny
As your gird up your loins for the November congressional elections, and as you are looking for the straight skinny on what has happened to us, I would suggest that you take the time to read the whole thing. This reminds us, as we need to be reminded constantly, that Republicans are not the answer. …
Just One Entry Though. For Now.
For those who have missed it, the Cave of Adullam is back.
My Own Personal Esperanto
Some time ago, I put up a video commerical for my daughter’s Amoretti dress line. The music for that video was performed by my very capable niece, Michalangela Wilson, and I think I said that when it was available on iTunes I would let somebody know about it. But as thy servant was busy here …