I know that not all the readers of this blog are Protestant, but most are, and so I would like to ask you all to take a moment to thank the Lord for the faith and courage of our dear brother, Dr. Martin Luther. We are now just seven years away from celebrating 500 years …
Good One
Heh . . .
The Yellow House on Howard
Last Thursday we held the memorial service for my mother In one part of the service, we asked a grandson from each of the four lines of the family to say a few things in memory of their grandmother. Here are Nate’s comments, and you can watch them below. Elizabeth Catherine Wilson – In Memoriam …
And Brought Back Here
Last week I mentioned Rachel’s book, as well as Nancy’s, both coming out the day after Thanksgiving. Domestic pre-orders get free shipping. A bunch of you jumped on that, as well you ought to have. But Canon Press is on a roll, and that same day is also releasing a book version of What I …
The Choir Celestial
Some time a while ago I was interviewed for the now-deceased Wittenberg Door. But when that magazine went and joined the choir celestial, the interview never ran. Recently, George Halitzka, the fine fellow who conducted the interview, found it on his computer, and asked if he could run it on his web site. I said …
Loving the Little Years
And here is the same thing with my daughter Rachel’s new book, Loving the Little Years. We are really excited about this one. Same deal applies. It releases next month, and pre-orders get free shipping. You can pre-order here.
And Other Useful Comments
Below you may peruse the front and back of Nancy’s latest book, which is currently at the printers, due to be released next month. But I would urge you to look at it long enough to pick out the subtitle — we don’t want any misunderstandings. If you pre-order, which you may do here, you …
Little Known Verbs
As some of you know, I have a band that I throw together once or twice a year called The Jenny Geddes Band. Most of the time, we have barely enough time to find out what key we are in, but that’s another sob story for another time. Well, some of us are actually practicing …
Couple of Plugs
Let me commend a few things to you. First, a book written by a friend, John Mabray. You can find that book here. See how many of the seven apply to you. And I would also like to send you over to check out the audio from the conference some friends in the UK put …
Memorial Service for Bessie Wilson
The community-wide memorial service for my mother, Bessie Wilson, has been set for Oct. 14, 2010, at the Nazarene Church in Moscow. There will be a 45 minute song service starting at 1 pm, in which we will listen to or sing some of my mother’s favorite hymns. As one who longed for Heaven, she …