Okay, so the presidential thingy is warming up again, and quite a few middle-aged men are grinning at the camera, glad-handing the public, stiff-arming the republic, and generally doing their part to snooker us yet again. I used to be a Republican, but have been an conservative independent for lo these many years now. Nevertheless, …
The Way of All Flesh
I caught a portion of the Republican debate last night, and was fascinated by the response to Ron Paul — a Republican actually worth considering. He actually believes in small government. But when Paul said that terrorism is a concern because of our agressive foreign policy, it is not surprising that sparks flew. In an …
Time for the Next Step
The Supreme Court (5-4) upheld the constitutionality of legislation outlawing partial birth abotions. We still have a long way to go, but this is a genuine first step. Glory to God.
Yo Mama Wants Obama
As Christians consider the implications of the Lordship of Jesus Christ over the public square, they have to take great care to get outside the cafeteria mentality that currently afflicts us. Christian engagement with the world does not mean that “Christ is Lord” is a mantra that will help us decide whether to eat this …
Please, Pat, Stop
Frank Turk has put together a good thing for you to sign. After Pat Robertson’s most recent prophetic embarrassment, Frank organized a petition for Christians to sign if they would like Robertson to cease and desist. Frank has also given a short explanation of what this is supposed to do here. Please cruise on over. …
911 Stumpers Both Ways
If you haven’t already checked them out, here are some places where you can go to satisfy whatever itch it is that web sites like this satisfy. Debunking the “inside job” take would be the task of the folks here, here, and here. Oh, and another one here. And here. And some sites that question …
Some Basic Political Principles
Another election is approaching in the fall. Many Christians are distressed at the condition of the country, and they are equally distressed over the choices they have in elections. While it is never appropriate to use a Christian pulpit as a partisan platform, it is equally unacceptable for Christians to be left without biblical direction …
King David On The Fourth of July
The Fourth of July is next week, and a number of us are going to set off fireworks — and, if the past is to be trusted, we will set off some really good ones. But what are we celebrating? One of the things my grandchildren have been put up to during the fireworks are …
Is Christianity Right Wing?
As the crisis in our nation deepens, we must recognize the culpable role of the Church in bringing this crisis about. Because we have not been people of the Word, the result has been no prophetic ministry to the world. As things get worse, the confusion in the Christian world only appears to be deepening, …
Where The Cliché Meets the Road
Watching television news this evening (I know, I know) I have heard yet again the latest cliche de jour. Some Congresslady or other was praising Mayor Nagin of New Orleans to the heights, and one of his spectacular achievements was apparently that he “spoke truth to power.” This was the power to the Northeast, the …