Demented and Twaddlesome

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In his statement endorsing Rudy Giuliani, Pat Robertson said this: “To me, the overriding issue before the American people is the defense of our population from the blood lust of Islamic terrorists.” This evil blood lust of theirs must be distinguished from the domestic and homegrown blood lust of ours, which is constitutionally protected, and cloaked in choice euphemisms, which is to say, euphemisms of choice, and not at all wicked, like when radical Muslims do it to us. It must be nice being able to determine good and evil by the placement of the “receiving end” alone.

Let’s keep this straight in our increasingly darkened minds and damned hearts. Pro-choicers, like Giuliani, have collectively killed more Americans every day for over thirty years running than the Islamic rage-boys have killed in the last five years total. Does this make me a defender of the Islamic rage-boys? Yeah, right, suit yourself.

You know what evangelical acumen on cultural and political issues is like? It’s like a cold cup of coffee with a cigarette butt in it. It’s like drinking muddy water. It is like a watercolor left out in the rain. It is demented and twaddlesome. It’s things like this that leave me with that wet horse blanket taste in my mouth.

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