Hollow Soul Bullets

The aftermath of the most recent school shooting in Florida is playing out very much like the aftermath of many of the previous school shootings. Some urge us to a period of respectful silence, saying that debating gun control issues is not fitting while the grief is still a hot ache. Others say that if …

Rats in our Soul

I was reminded yesterday of just how much I hate communism—not to mention all the forms of communism masquerading under other auspices. And in speaking of those who seek to provide those other auspices, I am thinking of that sort of person who just a few years ago was saying something like “let’s try it …

The Apostle Peter and Open Carry

I mentioned earlier that I needed to respond more fully to Preston Sprinkle’s comment at Q Denver that the commentaries were “against me” in my understanding of Luke 22:35-38. After he made that comment, the commentaries I looked at were all over the road, but my part of the road was certainly included. Allow me …

Abortion and Infant Baptism

Last week I saw a Facebook thread that had been kicked off with a comparison of abortion and infant baptism. Quite a discussion ensued, as you might expect. The initial point being made concerned things parents do that they have no warrant from God to do, and since I am writing here as a paedobaptist …

Greg Boyd’s Demons

Someone has said that in politics a gaffe should be defined as accidentally speaking the truth. Another possibility that is not limited to the truth — or to politics, for that matter — is the option of someone saying what he actually thinks before anybody is quite ready for it yet. That is what Greg …