Introduction: These reasons are not assembled in any particular order, whether ascending, descending, color-coded or alphabetical. But I wanted to gather up some basic reasons and to put them in one place as a resource. This is because every time there is a mass shooting of some kind, the outburst of furious emotion that follows …
Racism Inflation
No, let me correct that. We have entered an era of racism hyper-inflation. And what that does, in every instance, is debase the currency. The word and the offense is it supposed to represent have become meaningless, devoid of content, a null set, a big nothing. And it is the ostensible foes of racism what …
Platt, Trump, Falwell and Maybe Some Others
Sorry to be late to this particular party, but this is one hopping circus, and it is hard to keep track of all the trapeze artists. I mean, some go this way while the others are going that way. So what happened was this. I summarize, and do so with the need for brevity in …
Our Diseased Republic
Introduction: I have resolved to overcome this unbecoming reticence of mine. The monkeyshines that characterize so much of our public discourse in the Age of Trump have finally gotten to me. They have overwhelmed my reserved and retiring approach to modern politics. I am going to say what I think. But This is Not About …
Okay Then. Define “Leftward.”
Introduction: In the aftermath of this post on Wednesday, a discussion broke out on Twitter, the center of which was helpful. I want to thank both Joe Carter and Justin Taylor for engaging with the piece, and I hope that this post will help bring more clarity to the situation. I participated in those threads, …
King David and Donald Trump
A few quick thoughts, if I might. This morning I was checking one of my sources of news (Instapundit), and noticed a link that said “NRO [National Review Online] disses Franklin Graham.” Glenn Reynolds followed the link with a brief observation. “But maybe he has a better idea of what the battle is about than …
Gather Round, My Children, for I Would Tell You the Tale of Robert Mueller
Gather round, my children, for I would ‘splain something to you. Over the last week or so, in the aftermath of the delivery of the Mueller report, there has been a great deal of jubilant jollity in some quarters and tearful turbulence in others. Trump supporters have been out in the streets dancing, followed immediately …
Trump as Chemo Man
Introduction: Now that the Mueller report has been turned in, and it does not appear that any new heads will roll, and we are witnessing a reprise of Election Night Horror with leftists sobbing, I thought that this would be a good time to present my thoughts on Trump that have been gestating for some …
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
Introduction: As a bemused public watches the clown car revue that is the developing race for the Democratic nomination for president, a few constitutional oddities have attracted our notice. It is bad when the wheels are coming off of the clown cars. To change the metaphor, as the paddle of our 24/7 news cycle stirs …
Dominated by Howling Commies
And just like that, as though coordinated with a prearranged signal, it seems to me that the Democrats have decided to do what they can to make sure that Donald Trump gets a full two terms. While I have been mulling over my promise to write on the challenge that Christians face when it comes …