So They Want to Impeach the Dog

Introduction: So I posted a meme the other day, promising to follow it up with an article explaining myself, and so here I am, in fulfillment of my word. In what I write about this, please try to cast me, in your mind’s eye, as a disinterested commentator on public affairs, as an objective analyst, …

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Their Blood Sacrament

This post originally ran September 26, 2018. Of course everyone recognizes that the battle over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is a battle—all understand that there is a fight going on. And more than a few understand that the battle is over Roe. But this understanding is greater on the side of the secularists, their …

17 Reasons Why Responsible Gun Ownership is a Practical Necessity

Introduction: These reasons are not assembled in any particular order, whether ascending, descending, color-coded or alphabetical. But I wanted to gather up some basic reasons and to put them in one place as a resource. This is because every time there is a mass shooting of some kind, the outburst of furious emotion that follows …

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Racism Inflation

No, let me correct that. We have entered an era of racism hyper-inflation. And what that does, in every instance, is debase the currency. The word and the offense is it supposed to represent have become meaningless, devoid of content, a null set, a big nothing. And it is the ostensible foes of racism what …

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Okay Then. Define “Leftward.”

Introduction: In the aftermath of this post on Wednesday, a discussion broke out on Twitter, the center of which was helpful. I want to thank both Joe Carter and Justin Taylor for engaging with the piece, and I hope that this post will help bring more clarity to the situation. I participated in those threads, …

King David and Donald Trump

A few quick thoughts, if I might. This morning I was checking one of my sources of news (Instapundit), and noticed a link that said “NRO [National Review Online] disses Franklin Graham.” Glenn Reynolds followed the link with a brief observation. “But maybe he has a better idea of what the battle is about than …