Aphorisms on Liberty

Say it with aphorisms. Free men will fight for their liberty, but slaves will not. So if a slave fights, he is already free. Liberty is not porn and pot. Liberty is much praised and rarely treasured. True liberty is greatly praised, and not at all understood. When Mammon is the master, the people are …

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The Binariest of Choices

Introduction: Last Friday when I left the office to head home, I was greeted out on the sidewalk by a liberal lady (who would self-identify as an evangelical, if that helps, which it shouldn’t) who was masked up, carrying a poster that chided Christ Church for having held a joint service last Sunday. Our problem …

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Lest Anyone Take Umbrage at the Title: I should say at the outset that I am taking care to sharply distinguish two crises, as I have done from the very beginning of this unraveling mess. To those exhausted doctors and nurses who are in the front lines treating those with COVID-19, to those researchers who …

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We Have Revised Our Estimates Somewhat Downwards

Introduction: The coronavirus scare has had a narrative arc. There were the initial troubling reports out of China. Then there was time when the alarm was sounded on the basis of the kind of sensational modeling that has a genius for the limelight. Battle was joined, as this was clearly the moral equivalent of war. …

3 Reasons Why Socialism Should Not Be Considered as the Butterfly’s Boots

Introduction: Given the state of government education in America today, there is naturally a great and growing excitement among the youth of today concerning the tried and failed policies of Sen. Bernie Sanders. Or, as they might put it in Brooklyn, it sometimes seems the yoots are all in. After all, if we can put …