Boundaries are an essential element in any art, but it does not follow from this that if the boundaries are honored and respected, the great art will necessarily follow. A lot of pedestrian poetry has been written within the confines of the traditional forms. Sexual boundaries follow the same kind of pattern. The one true …
Homo Pomo in Slowmo
As I look at the state of public discourse today, and the Church’s contribution to it, I often feel like somebody stuffed me into a Walker Percy novel, and then somebody else screwed the lid on. It is as though everybody has agreed to do a cute little two step, closer and closer to the …
Your Word and Her Heart
A man ought never to be in a position to break a woman’s heart unless he is also simultaneously breaking his word. His word ought to always be a protective barrier between him and her heart. He ought never to be in a position to destroy her without destroying his own integrity first.
Lesbians Who Aren’t Really
I am not sure that any young people read this blog, but, if they do, this post might be a good one to get some parental guidance on first. I generally sleep like a pre-Cambrian rock, but occasionally I wake up in the middle of the night, and am wide awake for an hour or …
A Random Recommendation
A few weeks ago, Nancy and I watched a movie we really enjoyed. The cinematography appears to have been done by Andrew Wyeth, with the whole movie powerful and understated. You have the clear and satisfying sense of having been told a story. The good church folks in it are blinkered and provincial, but are …
Guest Post from Steven Boissoin
Homosexual agenda wicked Rev. Steven Boissoin Central Alberta Chairman Concerned Christian Coalition 6/17/02 The following is not intended for those who are suffering from an unwanted sexual identity crisis. For you, I have understanding, care, compassion and tolerance. I sympathize with you and offer you my love and fellowship. I prayerfully beseech you to seek …
Sexual Orthodoxy
Things are pretty grim in Canada. Those who are up for a little appalling reading, and who still need to be convinced of my thesis statement, are encouraged to check it out here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. HT: The Pearcey Report One case involves a Pastor Boissoin, who wrote a letter to …
Another Outrage on the Public Weal
So then, as it turns out, the California Supreme Court perpetrated a vicious hate crime against bisexuals. In a decision that reminded civilized observers everywhere of the smell of cooking cabbage, the seven robed judicialbots did what they did, and all the diversity advancement that progressives have been whining about interminably coughed quietly and died. …
Look at the Warts Right
I need to explain the background of this one first. Other than the news and an occasional football game, our family has not really been a big teevee watching family. As a result, my ignorance of the world of sitcoms is nearly perfect, which led to the obvious conclusion — I need to blog about …
Tom Wolfe’s Uncanny Prophetic Powers
As everyone knows by now, Eliot Spitzer has apparently disgraced his office through his use of spendy hookers. He did this having made a name for himself as the Law, prosecuting sundry others, and showing No Mercy in his various rampages. Having made enemies in any number of directions, it turns out that he is …