
Boundaries are an essential element in any art, but it does not follow from this that if the boundaries are honored and respected, the great art will necessarily follow. A lot of pedestrian poetry has been written within the confines of the traditional forms. Sexual boundaries follow the same kind of pattern. The one true …

Guest Post from Steven Boissoin

Homosexual agenda wicked Rev. Steven Boissoin Central Alberta Chairman Concerned Christian Coalition 6/17/02 The following is not intended for those who are suffering from an unwanted sexual identity crisis. For you, I have understanding, care, compassion and tolerance. I sympathize with you and offer you my love and fellowship. I prayerfully beseech you to seek …

Another Outrage on the Public Weal

So then, as it turns out, the California Supreme Court perpetrated a vicious hate crime against bisexuals. In a decision that reminded civilized observers everywhere of the smell of cooking cabbage, the seven robed judicialbots did what they did, and all the diversity advancement that progressives have been whining about interminably coughed quietly and died. …

Tom Wolfe’s Uncanny Prophetic Powers

As everyone knows by now, Eliot Spitzer has apparently disgraced his office through his use of spendy hookers. He did this having made a name for himself as the Law, prosecuting sundry others, and showing No Mercy in his various rampages. Having made enemies in any number of directions, it turns out that he is …