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Boundaries are an essential element in any art, but it does not follow from this that if the boundaries are honored and respected, the great art will necessarily follow. A lot of pedestrian poetry has been written within the confines of the traditional forms.

Sexual boundaries follow the same kind of pattern. The one true God sets the limits for us, creating the male and female nature and setting them both within creation, and then providing His law for us as additional guidance and protection. Those boundaries can be honored in the letter, but dishonored in the spirit. If a man and a woman have a lackluster and apathetic love life, the fact that it is not perversion does not prevent it from being dull. Plenty of sonnets have scanned, and rhymed according to rule, and yet have not been what poetry should be.

But it is a sophomoric and superficial reaction to reject standards in order to be able to say that poetry should be whatever a poet says it is. The revolt of our current generation against the triune God (who made heaven and earth) is a revolt in the direction of polytheism — multiple gods, multiple voices, multiple laws, and a general clamor out of which it is possible to select whatever suits him at the time. The political name for this is pluralism, and the philosophical and cultural name for it is postmodernism. Radically relativistic, it cannot be prevented from eventually hitting the craggy rocks below — nihilism and despair. But while falling, a number of people have the temporary sensation of absolute freedom, and they seek to use that freedom in the creation and pursuit of various sexualities. We are now dealing with metrosexuals, sodomites, catamites, lesbians, virtual perverts, bisexuals, and transgendered individuals. Sometime in the next ten years, look for more to push to the front of the line demanding societal respectability — pederasty and bestiality included. But because all this is a function of sexual postmodernism, we should simply call all of it pomosexuality.

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