So let me ask those of you who are interested in this kind of thing to watch this clip of an interview with N.T. Wright on the subject of homosexuality, and why he hasn’t written on it. (HT: Justin Taylor, Denny Burk) Watch it a couple times, and then read on. Let me begin by …
Hate Crimes, Sex, and the Love of God
As the lunacy of hate crimes legislation wends its way through our corridors of power, more and more wise believers are hunkering down for difficult times. Soon the denunciation of real sin from the pulpit — always unpopular with Christians — will be illegal as well. We are in that part of the movie where …
Rednecks and Homosexuals
Just a few more comments on Miss California, and then I am done. Done, that is, until the next revolution on this merry-go-round that we call cultural commentary. First, one commenter in the previous thread on this had a “physician, heal thyself” question which I thought would be better to answer here. He said that …
The Liberty University Hot Bodies Convocation Service
Am I prescient or what? Here is the reception that Miss California Carrie Prejean got at the gospel music Dove awards the other night. A standing ovation. And here is a clip from a press release by the Liberty Counsel “Miss California, Carrie Prejean will be in Lynchburg today to encourage thousands of Liberty University …
In Which Post There is No Photo of Miss California 2009
Our discussion of this issue can now continue without anybody having to speed scroll past the picture. I would have responded sooner, but was out of town at a conference. So here I am, getting up to speed. There were a number of good comments in the previous thread, but out of all of them, …
Okay, Okay . . . Miss California
Well, let me say just a couple of serious things before I talk about what makes me wheeze. I saw an interview with Miss Carrie Prejean about her now infamous run-in with the kind of insane interaction that must have occurred on Lot’s front porch. She seemed like a sweet and sincere Christian to me, …
Last night Nancy and I watched Fireproof and I wanted to tell you what I thought of it. I figured I needed to give it a look because it is a big evangelical thing and some folks in my congregation had asked me about it. I did not have high expectations going into it for …
Taking Age for Grace
“Besides, I have observed, that old men have blessed themselves with this mistake; namely, taking the decays of nature for a gracious conquest over corruptions, and so have been apt to beguile themselves” (John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress).
The Smell of Gasoline
We know that when she cast her eyes upon him, Joseph fled from Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 39:12). We know also that Paul told Timothy to flee youthful lusts (2 Tim. 2:22). In a world crammed full of enticements to lust, adopting this basic strategy is something that a lot more men need to learn how …
Wee Timorous Beastie
Nietzsche was a master wordsmith, and so he effectively projected a bad boy image of himself up on our culture’s screen, an image calculated to make all his maiden Lutheran aunts shudder, and perhaps weep a little. But inside, that man was Burns’ mouse beneath the harrow — a wee timorous beastie. Now this is …