John Adams once said that our Constitution presupposes a moral and a religious people. It is wholly unfit, he said, for any other. Now how can this help us sort out our discussions of Rick Santorum and Ron Paul? Let us set aside (for a moment) what I think folks in our circles would agree …
Alinsky Ball
Recent days have seen the media and/or new media in an uproar over a couple of incidents that invite a bit more investigation from the intellectually curious. I refer to Rush Limbaugh’s insult of Sandra Fluke, and Kirk Cameron’s gracious response to a question from Piers Morgan about homosexuality. Now in the interests of accuracy, …
We Should Think of It That Way More Often
Note on Intellectuals by W.H. Auden To the man-in-the-street, who, I’m sorry to say Is a keen observer of life,The word Intellectual suggests straight away A man who’s untrue to his wife.
How Jerks Define the Golden Life
One of the common problems that pastors have in giving counsel to troubled couples is the problem of determining when a particular sin in marriage is “actionable.” How bad does it have to be before the wronged spouse can walk? I am speaking here of sexual sins, which, given the nature of the case, are …
Our Ruling Class
I wanted to make sure that I made at least a couple points about this particular travesty from The Journal of Medical Ethics, HA! (JMEH!). The first point to make is that when men have lost their soul, they have not yet necessarily lost their capacity to reason. They can still say B, and do …
Competing Like a Lady
One time, many years ago, our family drove up to a summer basketball camp where Nate was participating. While there, we took a look around, and watched some of the action of a girls’ basketball camp, then still in progress. This was a Christian camp, and yet the girls were swaggering around on the court, …
Kudos to the ADF
It is good to see Protestants joining the fray against the contraceptive mandate issued by the Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers at HHS. While Protestants do not share the Roman Catholic view of every form of birth control, they are in full agreement on the unlawfulness of abortifacients, and the mandate issued by Sebelius requires …
Norman Rockwell and the Dark Side
Stacy McCain was kind enough to notice my criticism of his Rule 5. His response, such as it was, can be found here, and my initial comments, such as they were, can be found here. His answer consisted of a “vintage pin-up girl.” You know the kind — what looks like what could have been …
Sexual Obedience Outside Scripture
And so here is my final response to the issues surrounding the publication of Real Marriage. The fundamental issue here is hermeneutics — how do we read God’s Word, and more important contextually, how do we read God’s Word in the context of God’s world? This is actually an issue having to do with the …
Dinner for Two at Angelo’s
One of the questions that has arisen here is, basically, how could this happen? How could so much of Real Marriage be so good in so many ways, and yet whiff on something like this? In polemical discourse there is something called swallowing the reductio. Your opponent slyly suggests to you that he who says …