If At First You Don’t Secede . . .

Introduction: I know that it is the fifth of July, but the principles we were talking about yesterday have not gone away. Some discussion online yesterday made me realize that a brief history lesson was in order, followed by just a few contemporary applications. For Christians particularly, how does the American War for Independence comport …

The Fourth of July in Vanity Fair

Introduction: My topic, if you could not guess from the cryptic title, is religious liberty. Vanity Fair, if you have not guessed, does not celebrate the Fourth of July. That’s a problem. Lots of Americans still celebrate it, but because we are now governed by non-elected functionaries from Vanity Fair, the celebrations are merely impressive …

On Sharing Our Manna

All right. So there are several threads to tie together here, re: Falwell and Moore. First I need to address the lame defense of himself that Jerry Falwell Jr. gave. “Honored for same hypocrites who accused Jesus of being a friend of publicans and sinners to be targeting me over a decades old mag cover!” …

A Sparkly Lunatic

Fair Warning: Just so that you have ample warning beforehand, I would like to provide an advance heads up that I intend to lay about myself like a coruscating berserker. So that you don’t have to resort to google, what that basically means is “sparkly lunatic.” Some of you may have guessed — from the …

Southern Baptist Lava Lamps

Just the other day, in a masterpiece of bad timing, delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention voted to disassociate themselves from the Confederate battle flag. I maintain this was a cloth-headed blunder for three basic reasons. First, it was as though the second story of your house were on fire, and the fire department did …