Discussion After the Half Brick

So in the wake of yesterday’s post responding to Elizabeth Bruenig’s, um, critique, a number of scattershot questions have arisen. You can track some of that by looking at @ebruenig and @douglaswils. For example, one friend cautioned me offline that Bruenig is not a moral liberal. But in my calculus, the beating heart of liberalism …

Outrage Goes in the Purple Bin

So in something of a prescient move, in my last post I mentioned my widening circle of irrelevance—my particular brand of toxicity is now being increasingly opposed, and out of the blue, by various important voices, modulated voices, voices of sweet reason. The latest is from Elizabeth Bruenig, a columnist with The Washington Post, who …

Nubile Young Women, The LA Times, and Me

Introduction: The trick is to write a headline that gets people to read just the first couple paragraphs. After that, the overall quality of the writing has to hold them. So wish me luck. So taking the occasion of the Roy Moore story, last weekend The LA Times published an op-ed piece by Kathryn Brightbill …

Fried Brown on Both Sides

So the campaign equivalent of a daisy-cutter bomb was dropped on the Roy Moore campaign yesterdiddy. There are certain things we don’t know, and certain other things are stinking obvious. Let us begin with what we don’t know. The allegations have been made, and Moore hotly denies them, calling them defamation. So, not having had …

On Throwing a Ball

The situation described in the following letters is entirely fictitious, including persons, names, crimes, sins, relationships, circumstances and all particulars. The kind of situation that is described, however, is all too common and my hope is that biblical principles applied to this fictitious scenario may be of some help to individuals tangled up in a …

One More Smashmouth Round

The conversation on incrementalism with the American Vision guys continues, albeit not very fruitfully. Joel McDurmon has responded to my thought experiment here. What this amounts to, in my view, is not a breakdown in communication, but rather a breakdown of trust. John Mark deserted Paul at Pamphylia (Acts 13:13). My supposition in this is …

A Smashmouth Thought Experiment

I really appreciate John Reasnor’s demeanor and reasonability as he seeks to take me to task over my pro-life incrementalism. There are some back-benchers in his corner who are pretty surly (but enough about Boljidar), but I think Reasnor is going out of his way to have an actual discussion, and I do appreciate it. …