One More Smashmouth Round

The conversation on incrementalism with the American Vision guys continues, albeit not very fruitfully. Joel McDurmon has responded to my thought experiment here. What this amounts to, in my view, is not a breakdown in communication, but rather a breakdown of trust. John Mark deserted Paul at Pamphylia (Acts 13:13). My supposition in this is …

A Smashmouth Thought Experiment

I really appreciate John Reasnor’s demeanor and reasonability as he seeks to take me to task over my pro-life incrementalism. There are some back-benchers in his corner who are pretty surly (but enough about Boljidar), but I think Reasnor is going out of his way to have an actual discussion, and I do appreciate it. …

Smashmouth Incrementalism the Third

“But the high places were not removed: nevertheless Asa’s heart was perfect with the Lord all his days” (1 Kings 15:14). Not many people know this, but Asa was a pro-life Republican. I would like to thank John Reasnor for taking the time to engage with my comments and posts on incrementalism, and in this …

Lord of Karma

As the old saying goes, if they didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all. We should begin by recognizing that the sinful heart of man is everywhere, and affects everything we do. No one gets a pass—conservatives, liberals, and all in-betweeners. The Church is not excluded because the Church is charged to …

Banging the Spear on the Shield

The situation described in the following letters is entirely fictitious, including persons, names, crimes, sins, relationships, circumstances and all particulars. The kind of situation that is described, however, is all too common and my hope is that biblical principles applied to this fictitious scenario may be of some help to individuals tangled up in a …

Boy Scouts in the Original Greek

I think it is time for us to distinguish the Christian temper from various ideologies of the left and right that claim the mantle of scriptural authority. For example, socialists have confounded taking with sharing and libertarians have confounded autonomy with liberty. And both can produce Bible verses that commend sharing and liberty to us …

Smashmouth Incrementalism, Part Dos

So I wrote this piece a few days ago, and it has engendered some responses. The best one I have seen was offered up by Toby Sumpter, with which I entirely agree. In addition to what Toby said, allow me to make just a few additional, scattered observations. I have been ardently pro-life from the …