A Brief Excursus Related to Roy Moore

Another round of allegations came out over the last several days. These are allegations that Moore is now contradicting himself—i.e. that he acknowledged more in his Hannity interview than he is acknowledging out on the stump now. Now if he said in one place that he knew some of the girls and in another place …

Obeying Your Double Helix

The situation described in the following letters is entirely fictitious, including persons, names, crimes, sins, relationships, circumstances and all particulars. The kind of situation that is described, however, is all too common and my hope is that biblical principles applied to this fictitious scenario may be of some help to individuals tangled up in a …

The Avenging Angel of Lust

Special Note Right Up Front: A few of the references in this post do not employ circumlocutions or asterisks. The need of the hour is generational repentance, and repentance names the sin. The biblical word for confess is homologeo, which means to “speak the same thing.” It means that we do not get to sugar …

Tribal Truth

Introduction: I want to offer a “get yourself oriented” explanation for the lunacy that has apparently descended upon virtually everybody. A fogbank of dunsical folly, stretching the length of the entire East Coast, has worked its way across the nation, and so it is that we hear distant, muffled cries, from out there in the …

How God Wrote 2017 in Such a Way as to Vindicate the Pence Rule

While some might wonder why I write so much about life between the sexes, you have to admit that when your culture is a teeny kayak on the swirling lip of a huge sexual maelstrom, it is hard not to. Not only does a new scandal break every day or so, but in response to …