Introduction: Let us begin by acknowledging that it is not good or appropriate to take decades of faithful ministry and gospel preaching in order to wad it up and throw it away, and to do this ...
Sexual Shenanigans in High Places
Introduction: So this last week saw a number of tawdry details about politicians’ lives come tumbling out into public view. No, no, I don’t mean anyone from Epstein’s client list. No, friends, let’s be realistic. What are you, crazy? A Quick Run Down: There was the Democrat lady, Susanna Gibson, running for state rep in …
In Which I Decline to Gilder the Lily
Introduction: Not only are we in the thick of a crisis, it is a crisis that is largely driven by human choices, reactions, personalities, and various other things that contribute to all our societal ...
I am on the road, and so am not posting my usual Saturday fare, which would normally be the sermon outline. But I did think I should publish a thought or two—our local Intoleristas are circulating the rumor that I am dying of cancer, and so I thought it wise to poke my head out …
The Weight Room Down at Hotel California
Introduction: There is no one single cause of the cultural disintegration that we see happening all around us, but one of the more significant factors has been the impact of a horde of fatherless ...
The Politics of Justice, and the Injustice of Politics
Introduction: So a court has now come to a verdict on the charges leveled against Paige Patterson. You may recall that there was no little excitement in the Southern Baptist Convention a few years ...
The Shameless v. the Unashamed
Introduction: We are living in remarkable times. Throughout the Western world, there is a huge fault line, now clearly manifest, that separates the transgressives from the normals. This fault line ...
That Acrid Taste of Damnation
Introduction: There was a time, back in the olden times, when the aftermath of a horrific event like a school shooting was crowded with politicians making dubious policy pronouncements about ...
Rival Flag, Rival Nation
Introduction: So one of the things we need to do, if you don't mind my saying so, is figure out what the heck is going on. It would seem to matter, would it not? I have written extensively ...
And Our Liberated Sisters Ran Sobbing from the Room
Introduction: So a gent named Josh Butler apparently won the woke lottery, this being the kind of lottery that Shirley Jackson made famous through her short story of the same name. He did this after ...