This new release from Tullian is worth a look. Check here.
Murmuration Glory
Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo. HT: Joe Rigney
No Relation
It is sometimes hard for us to grasp how profound the problem of modern superficiality is. Religious life in America is, by and large, superficial from the very top of the wet spot on the pavement to the very bottom of the wet spot on the pavement. We are, of course, talking about Joel Osteen. …
Some Free Information
Phillip Ross has conducted an interesting experiment in collaborating with another author across a century or more. In this case, he collaborated with John Williamson Nevin, of Mercersburg fame. The result is here. Also, Covenant Media Foundation has an interesting PDF book available entitled Shakespeare the Christian by my friend Ralph Smith. Here. And in …
The Heart of the Matter
Here is an article that needs to be circulated widely. Click here.
On Your Mark . . .
All, I would encourage you to check out a new website that Mark Driscoll is launching. You can click here.
Take It Slow
John MacArthur recently wrote on the question of alcohol consumption, which you all can read here. Frankly, given his exegetical abilities and his dedication to the teaching of Scripture, this was profoundly disappointing. As it happened, a month or so ago, I read the manuscript of Joel McDurmon’s latest book, What Would Jesus Drink?, in …
And Sometimes Hidden Under a Head Covering
I followed a link from Tim Bayly over to Pyrotown, and found a fantastic article there. Check it out here. Among conservative women there is sometimes a temptation to strike “I wish-he-would-lead” poses, which is quite a different thing than helping him lead.
And a Mask That Fits
Here is a book that deserves a wide reading. I am really excited about it. I just got my copy in the mail today, but had the privilege of reading it some months ago for blurbing purposes. When I was done, I sent them two blurbs, the shorter of which they wound up using. At …
Underlining Has Come a Long Way
The technology is getting better by the minute — just check this out. But what we really need is a program that will let us mark up other people’s Bibles. That could be edifying.