Like So Many Dried Beetles

Introduction: And so—as we continue to work our way through Aimee Byrd’s book, Why Can’t We Be Friends?—we continue to find stuff to talk about. In part I suppose that this is because life between the sexes is variegated and complex, and not a simple and straightforward relationship, like that which exists between Point A …

What the Ornithologist Knows

In her fifth chapter, Aimee Byrd helpfully offers some qualifications (and/or exceptions) to what she has been generally arguing for. She makes the important general point that temptation and sin in this area is devastating and really bad. And she also says some really good things in this chapter about how the law does not …

When Aimee Met Harry and Sally

Introduction: In her latest contribution—Why Can’t We Be Friends?—Aimee Byrd has raised the question why Christian men and women have such trouble and difficulty being friends. Why are we in such a pother about it? She knows that it will be a controversial book (Loc. 155), but undertook the risk anyway. In the first chapter …

A Review of an N.T. Wright Book. Ta Da!

And I hardly ever use exclamation marks. As regular readers here know, I periodically review books chapter by chapter. We are now in the process of making those reviews available to you in ebook form, and the first one has now arrived on our digital shelves. Some time ago, I reviewed N.T. Wright’s book, Surprised …