One aspect of our morning routine is that Nancy and I read together. We each have our own Bible reading and devotional time, but then we come together to read and pray. We pray for our people, and pray for the day. We also read through the New Testament together, and in addition to that, we work through an edifying book. Recent titles in that category were Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy, Gurnall’s The Christian in Complete Armour, and Richard Sibbes’ Refreshment for the Soul.
I say all this because the book we are currently reading together is Kevin DeYoung’s Daily Doctrine, and this book will prove to be truly a fantastic contribution to the health of the body. It is a summary of all the various loci of systematic theology, translated into terms that laymen can understand. Having said this, this really is a work of translation, and not a work that looks to dumb anything down.
C.S. Lewis comments somewhere on the devotional value of tough-minded theology, and I think that many readers of this volume are going to have the experience of the heart “singing unbidden” as they work through it. Highly recommended.