A certain man once claimed that he had a special kind of fish net, one that could capture any kind of fish in the lake. A friend asked to see the net, and was astonished when the proud fisherman brought out a net with a mesh that had openings that were two inches square. “Don’t …
Foundations of Marriage V
INTRODUCTION: In this season of Advent, we are preparing ourselves for a celebration of the Incarntion of the eternal Logos, in which the eternally begotten Son of God became the son of Mary, and, through her, a genuine son of Adam. We are also considering the impact of this truth on our marriages TEXT: “. …
Once there was a fearful little boy. He was very timid, and I am afraid that others around him encouraged him in this. His parents and teachers reinforced in his mind the dangers of being rash—and of course there are such dangers—but this little boy was in no danger of that particular folly. He could …
Mother Love
Once two women were quarreling, and I am afraid that their quarrel was loud enough to be heard by others at the restaurant where they were having lunch. As it happens, there was a wise woman who attended the same church they did who happened to overhear. Deciding that since they had made the affair …
Forensic Electrical Theory
Once there was a little toddler who had just learned to turn on the lights. He was very pleased whenever he had an opportunity to do so, and so his parents took to asking him to perform this valuable service whenever possible. One evening, this family had a bachelor over to dinner, and as it …
The Miserables
Once there was a little boy who caught the miserables. It started at dinner, when his food was too hot and burned his mouth. So then he wouldn’t eat for a time, because he had the sulks, and when he finally got back to it, his food was too cold. He was so mopey after …
Limit the Damage
Once there was a husband and wife who thought that Christian marriage meant that the other person had to do certain things that were right there in the Bible, plain as day. The husband thought his wife ought to be respectful and submissive, and the wife thought the husband ought to be loving and sacrificial. …
The God Who Obeys
Once there was a man whose marriage was on the rocks. It had been on the rocks for some years, but he had just found out about it. This was quite a shock to his system, because for some time he had used bluster, bravado, and bullying to keep anyone from saying anything that might …
Pots and Vats
Once there were two boys playing the back yard. They were both good friends, and they got along well for the most part. But one of them had a quick temper, and occasionally he would lose it, and I have to say he had hurt his good friend more than once. But the curious thing …
Invisible Sin
Once there was a man who did not want to admit he was wrong, about anything. Because he was a foot taller than his wife, and three feet taller than his children, and because he had a gruff voice, he was easily able to cow them into silence. His fits of anger, once sporadic, became …