Forensic Electrical Theory

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Once there was a little toddler who had just learned to turn on the lights. He was very pleased whenever he had an opportunity to do so, and so his parents took to asking him to perform this valuable service whenever possible.

One evening, this family had a bachelor over to dinner, and as it turns out, this man was a licensed electrician. After dinner, as they were all making their way into the living room, the father asked his son to turn on the lights. Delighted, the son pushed a stool over toward the switch, stood on it, and straining upward, pushed the switch and the lights came on.

The visiting electrician simply stood and stared, profoundly appalled. He turned and looked at the father. “He can’t know anything about electricity!” The father beamed. “Not very much, certainly. But he knows that.”

“Does he know the difference between alternating and direct current?”


“Does he know where the fuse box is?”


“Does he know what the fuses are for?”

“I am quite sure he does not.”

“Does he know that electricity is a forensic declaration of righteousness, based on a prior imputation of righteousness?”

The father looked puzzled. “I didn’t know that.”

The electrician left shortly afterwards, perhaps a little sooner than he had intended, and this was because he was still puzzled and astonished. There were many things to think about here, and he spent the rest of the evening sitting in the dark of his living room, just pondering.

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