“When folks, even learned folks, actually, especially learned folks, start discovering that what the Bible has been saying all along is reawlly what we here in our own day have only just recently discovered, they are just half a step away from saying that it does not really matter what the Bible has been saying …
All the Western World’s An Ad
“The forces that affect it [our modern secular culture] are in the West the great commercialized amusement industries and in the East the forces of political propaganda. And I do not think that Christianity can ever compete with these forms of mass culture on their own ground. If it does so, it runs the danger …
The Table Set Before Time Began
“So the way of salvation can be found not in affirming the truths of orthodoxy with a long face, but rather by coming to see and know that the words of God are life itself. They are refined gold, they are honey to the lips, they are aged wine, they summon us to a banquet …
Orthodoxy As Habit of the Body
“Orthodoxy requires all our faculties, our reason, our imagination, our bodily habits, our affections. Straight thinking is inconsistent with crooked lives. Faith without works is dead; stories without dragons are boring; worship is a matter of sound doctrine and well-cooked meat on the grill; and a god chained to earth, however noble the portrayal, is …
Fruit In Its Season
“A Christian civilization is certainly not a perfect civilization, but it is a civilization that accepts the Christian way of life as normal and frames its institutions as the organs of a Christian order. Such a civilization actually existed for a thousand years more or less. It was a living and growing organism—a great tree …
The Loss of True Confession
“While we deplore the fracturing of life, its robberies and rapes, its abuses and cruelties, its assaults and catastrophes, we can no longer measure its darkness in the presence of God. All we can do is weep. We cannot make confession. There is no one to whom to confess. We cannot bring our sin before …
Prisoner or Professor?
“Conscience, then, is more like the moaning of a prisoner in his cell than the discourse of a professor at his lectern. It is an alarm signal whose noise can be turned down but not off. It is our interior reality, which is inexplicable in the absence of God and inconsolable apart from his grace.” …
How False Teachers See Themselves
[Speaking of 2 Pet. 3:15-16] “The word translated as wrest here is streblao, which refers to putting something on the rack and twisting it out of all recognition. Of course, those who are occupied in this activity do not themselves describe it this way. They do not advertise their seminars as being taught by ignorant …
Glossy Magazines Help You Reinvent Yourself
“With an extraordinary profusion of stylized goods to choose from – designer ties, designer scents, designer automobiles, and designer jeans – we now have a rich palette from which to paint our own meaning, to state our own identity.” [David Wells, Losing Our Virtue (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998), p. 144]
My Doxy Is Orthodoxy
“And thus, orthodoxy means straight belief or correct opinion. Who could be against this, one wonders. As it turns out, no one is against it — every man affirms that what he maintains is the truth. Every person in the world, all day long, every day, thinks he’s right. Even those hapless relativists and nihilists …