Or Eminent Domain Maybe

“The Bible teaches that the civil magistrate may require a certain level of taxation (Rom. 13:6-7) and that Christians are required to pay those taxes cheerfully. But the Bible also teaches that civil authorities are capable of breaking God’s law, including His prohibition of stealing. Even if Ahab had had his wits about him and …

Free Market Non-Responses

“We see private schools and homeschools springing up all over, we see programs like Hooked on Phonics, and we see Sylvan Learning Centers. All these are intelligent responses to the disasters caused by the government’s teaching disability. But we will never see a chain of Dyslexia Underwriting and Mentoring Businesses (DUMB). That’s a job for …

The Cape and Beret Problem

“The artist was still the Gentleman, not yet the Genius. After the French Revolution, artists began to leave the salons and cénacles, which were fraternities of like-minded souls huddled at some place like the Café Guerbois rather than a town house; around some romantic figure, an artist rather than a socialite, someone like Victor Hugo, …

The Cult of Intolerance

“And that was the final irony: that an intellectual establishment that had dedicated itself for thirty-five years to the Nonjudgmental gods of tolerance and open-mindedness should finish as an anti-intellectual cult of intolerance, propped up and held in place by a vast network of cultural prohibitions and quasi-legal injunctions, and distinguished chiefly for its poverty …