Why the Jihadist Hates the West

“It is certainly not rock and roll music that he hates, as Orianna Fallci has noted, not the usual stereotypes like chewing-gum, hamburgers, Broadway, or Hollywood. The ‘tangible’ objects of that resentful hate are the skyscrapers, the science, the technology, the jumbo jets. Accustomed as the Westerners are to the double-cross, blinded as they are …

Apostles or Refugees?

All Christians at all times live in the culture they live in. The ancient Christian in Ephesus spoke Greek and wore the clothes available for purchase in that city. When he went for lunch, certain foods were available to him and other foods were not. At the same time, he was called to live in …

Mint, Dill, and Cummin Cops

In our service of worship, we declare the mighty acts of God. He has made all things, and then recreated them in His Son Jesus Christ. We are here today because we profess to believe this. Now these declarations by God’s covenant people are potent, whether or not unbelievers are paying any attention to them …