Sermon Video Introduction: The sons of Adam and daughters of Eve have always had to deal with the presence of sin, at least since the third chapter of Genesis. We have to “budget” for it, ...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve/Young Men and their Strength
Sermon Video Introduction: As we seek to address the marital dislocations that confront us in every direction, remember that we want to do so in a way that respects the men, particularly the young ...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve/True Counterculture
Sermon Video Introduction: It is the central duty of every Christian preacher to preach Christ, and to do so in way that cannot be confused with anything else. Our normal procedure for doing this ...
Earthly Good and the Heavenly Mind
Sermon Video Introduction: In the next portion of this letter from Paul, we find a marvelous balance between our daily mundane concerns and our ultimate eschatological concerns. A taunt is sometimes ...
The Rod of Iron
In this psalm we have a wonderful prophecy of the reign of Messiah the Prince. The prophecy does not concern the reign of God in His sovereignty, which is the necessary result of the Creator’s relationship with the world He created, but rather a reign that results from His sovereign decree—the mediatorial reign of the …
Not Like the Gentiles
Sermon Video Introduction: We come now to the passage in Thessalonians that addresses the vast difference between the Christian sexual ethic and a pagan sexual ethic. We want to be careful here ...
Blood, Sap, and Salt
Sermon Video Introduction: As we look at the state of the culture around us, we sometimes feel like we are locked in the graduate school of sin, in what appears to be some kind of demented calculus ...
Face to Face
Sermon Video Introduction: The first letter to the Thessalonians was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is a portion of the Word of God. But at the same time, it was Paul’s second choice. What ...
When Desire Divides
Sermon Video Introduction: You should recall that at our previous joint worship service earlier this summer, the emphasis was on two kinds of unity. The first is a unity that we are given by grace, ...
The Mines of Difficulty
Sermon Video Introduction: The second stanza of an old Isaac Watts hymn asks quite a reasonable question. It is a question that we—accustomed as we are to many creature comforts—should be ...