Introduction: When we get to the second chapter of this epistle, the apostle Paul reminds them of how it was that the gospel was first brought to them. We know that Paul was only there for three ...
Much Assurance in Trouble
Sermon Video Introduction: Philosophers call one branch of their discipline epistemology. This is the branch of philosophy that seeks to answer the question of how we know what we know. And then, ...
Unity in Two Forms
Sermon Video Introduction: As the church of God grows and increases in the world, there will always be problems that are associated with that increase. You cannot have growth in this fallen world ...
What Worship Accomplishes
Sermon Video Introduction: We ascend into the heavenlies in our worship and meet with our God there (Heb. 12:22). But this heavenly worship is not something that has somehow run fearfully away ...
The Structure of our Worship
Sermon Video Introduction: We assemble here week after week to worship God in the name of Christ in the power of the Spirit. This is what we do. But it is also important for us to understand what ...
Lord of Life, Dealer of Death, Giver of Gifts
Sermon Video Introduction: Today we celebrate Pentecost, the ancient harvest festival of the Jews, the great day on which the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the church, and three thousand souls ...
The Clouds of Heaven
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the great difficulties that modern Christians have is that we do not let the two testaments inform one another. Because of this neglect on our part, we miss ...
Koinonia and the Way of Christ
Sermon Video Introduction: The lock down orders that have been imposed all over the country have revealed to us a number of things—whether outside the church, in the relationship of the church ...
The Sinfulness of Worry
Sermon Video Introduction: In times like ours, there is a lot to worry about, is there not? If we are not worried about the coronavirus killing us dead, we are worried about panicked overreactions ...
Psalm 120/A Lament About Liars
Sermon Video The Twelfth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: This psalm is the first in a series of fifteen psalms, called from ancient times psalms of ascent, or psalms of degree. What this means ...