Sermon Video The Thirteenth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: This psalm is not exactly a pilgrimage psalm, but is more like a psalm that anticipates great rejoicing upon arriving at the destination ...
Psalm 121/Jehovah Keeps
Sermon Video The Thirteenth Decade of Psalms: Introduction: This psalm is a brief word of great encouragement. God’s providential care is true help, and it is a help that is promised to everyone ...
These Our Turbulent Mercies
Sermon Video Introduction: A little over a week from now, we will be selecting our next president. In preparation for this, and because Christ is Lord of everything we do, we need to consider ...
A Cluster of Exhortations
Sermon Video Introduction: Virtues, like vices, are like grapes—they come in clusters. Paul is following his usual pattern here, which is to conclude his letter with a burst of ethical exhortations, ...
Boldness When It Counts
Sermon Video Introduction: One of our generation’s hackneyed cliches is the one about “speaking truth to power.” The problem with it is that we almost always get everything backwards, and ...
The Day of the Lord
Sermon Video Introduction: As we work through this next portion of Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, we want to continue to hold the various elements of “the last things” loosely, and ...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve/To Think Soberly
Sermon Video Introduction: The sons of Adam and daughters of Eve have always had to deal with the presence of sin, at least since the third chapter of Genesis. We have to “budget” for it, ...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve/Young Men and their Strength
Sermon Video Introduction: As we seek to address the marital dislocations that confront us in every direction, remember that we want to do so in a way that respects the men, particularly the young ...
Sons of Adam, Daughters of Eve/True Counterculture
Sermon Video Introduction: It is the central duty of every Christian preacher to preach Christ, and to do so in way that cannot be confused with anything else. Our normal procedure for doing this ...
Earthly Good and the Heavenly Mind
Sermon Video Introduction: In the next portion of this letter from Paul, we find a marvelous balance between our daily mundane concerns and our ultimate eschatological concerns. A taunt is sometimes ...