“Before baptism, the minister is to use some words of instruction, touching the institution, nature, use, and ends of this sacrament, shewing . . . that they [children] are Christians, and federally holy before baptism, and therefore are they baptized.” Westminster Directory for the Publick Worship of God, emphasis mine
The First Days
We are not living in the last days. When God created the heavens and earth, He rested on the seventh day, declaring that His work was complete, it was finished. But when our Lord Jesus recreated the heavens and earth, He rose from the dead on the first day, as much as to say, it …
Eating the Cross
The cross of Jesus Christ attracts those chosen by God, and that same cross repels those who are perishing. The words of life are delicious to those who are being saved, and they are repulsive to those who rest in their own wisdom. In His discussion of His body and blood, the Lord Jesus scatters …
A Proud Stomach
Jesus teaches that all men whom the Father gives to Him will in fact come. He also says that no one can come on his own authority, at his own initiative. This meal is an “invitation only” event. At the same time, the whole world is invited — Jesus Christ is the bread of God …
From Now to the End of the World
God, Our Heavenly Father, We glorify Your name over every other name we know, and we ask for Your presence and blessing as we feast before You. You are the God of all gods, and Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, is the Lord of the Sabbath, and He rules over this day for our …
Monocovenantalism, a Great Word, or What?
One of the charges leveled against me for my Auburn Avenuing is that of monocovenantalism. But what is that, exactly? If the critics mean that I hold that there has only been one covenant throughout the history of mankind, then the charge is false. God made one covenant with mankind in Adam, and He made …
The Greatest is Faith
Once a young minister was summing up what he believed was the safest sermon he had ever preached. This had become necessary because certain members of the session had begun looking at him funny, and making comments that had words in them like hypercovenantal and not Klinean, and phrases like “went to seminary with.” So …
Galatians 21
INTRODUCTION As we seek to gather in our hearts and minds the message of this wonderful book, we can the heart of it here in the last passage. Just as we need to summarize, so does Paul. THE TEXT: Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. As …
Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #3
“But to protect the importance of faith we do not have to deny His presence, which is what many people, in opposition to formalism, want to do. They say, ‘No, we don’t want to find Christ in the water, we want to find him just by faith.’ But Luther and Calvin’s point is that the …
Was Jesus Faithless?
What I would like to do in brief compass is explain how a particular understanding of a pre-fall covenant of works requires us to say that Jesus was faithless. In short, I want to explain the problem some have with our rejection of their covenant of works, and then explain the problem with that problem. …