I have mentioned before that N.T. Wright is trying to hitch the white horse of the universal lordship of Christ to the wrong political wagon. The public nature of the lordship of Christ is an important doctrine, and Wright has performed a valuable service in reminding the Church of the necessity of that doctrine if …
Do Communion? Or Have Communion?
As we come to the table, we are charged to flee from idolatry. We do this in two ways. The first is that we leave all pagan idols behind. Whether these idols are actual gods made of wood or stone, or are idols of the heart and mind does not matter. We leave them behind …
Thy Kingdom Come
Many Christians want to avoid millennial wrangles, and in an important sense, they are quite right. It makes little sense to fight with one another about when the divine peace will come. But other Christians want to avoid debate on the subject because they believe it to be trivial or unimportant. “After all, is not …
More on Timeless Truth.
It appears to me that N.T. Wright has a peculiar phobia about timeless truths. Here is Wright again: “God wanted to judge Ahab and so save Israel. And so God delegated his authority to the prophet Micaiah who, inspired by the Spirit, stood humbly in the council of God and then stood boldly in the …
Marriage as Manifest Glory XXVI
INTRODUCTION: One of the hardest lessons for an egalitarian age to learn is the necessary lesson of honor. But this honor must not be carnal—we are called to render honor as understood in a biblical and Christian way. This directly affects how husbands and wives are to grow old together. THE TEXTS: “Thou shalt rise …
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 52 The universe is governed by personal law. It is not governed by impersonal forces. Up to and including gravity, everything operates the way it does because it is the will of our Father in heaven. Economic downturns, hardships, cash …
White Horse Inn
I just got a chance to listen to an interview I did for the White Horse Inn with Michael Horton, along with their follow-up comments to that interview. For those who are interested, they can find it here — although it costs a few bucks to download. As far as the interview went, it was …
Mint, Dill, and Cummin Cops
In our service of worship, we declare the mighty acts of God. He has made all things, and then recreated them in His Son Jesus Christ. We are here today because we profess to believe this. Now these declarations by God’s covenant people are potent, whether or not unbelievers are paying any attention to them …
Flooding the World Again
As Scripture instructs, we must be adults in our understanding. But we must also cultivate what Luke records in the books of Acts when he says that the early Christians ate their bread with gladness and simplicity of heart. We may be refreshed with both maturity and simplicity when we come to understand the water …
Deep Truths
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! God and Lord, we praise You now through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. You have delivered the kingdoms of men into His hand, and You have determined through the folly of preaching to subdue all rebels against the cross, all …