In the Word of God, we are summoned to approach the throne of grace with great boldness. The early apostles, when they were filled with the Holy Spirit, dominated by Him completely, preached the Word with great boldness. The apostle Paul, after many years of apostolic ministry, had, as one of his prayer requests, the …
Rationalism and Superstition
In the message today, we have considered the importance of eating. Food is not a consequence of the Fall, and the nourishment of creatures was no afterthought on the part of God. God created us as eating creatures. As we eat, and grow, and mature, and multiply, we find that God is in the process …
The Authority of the Cross
Far too many Christians take a phrase from Luther without the faith of Luther. They do believe that this world is “with devils filled,” but have no knowledge of the “one little word” which fells the evil one. That one little word is cross. Christ is the Savior of the world, not only because He …
For the Potatoes
Our Father and God, Your goodness to us is inexhaustible, and we thank You for it. That goodness is seen in the salvation You have purchased for us through death of Your Son, and in all the kindness You bestow upon us in our physical existence. That kindness includes the gift of food, and fellowship …
Marriage As Manifest Glory XXV
INTRODUCTION: When a man and woman marry, they are not joined together physically the way Siamese twins are joined. This means, obviously, that a married man and a married woman are the same biological individuals that they were when they were single. But they are covenantally united—and capable of physical separation. Not only are they …
Marriage As Manifest Glory XXIV
INTRODUCTION: The family that eats together stays together. But this requires further development. THE TEXTS: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and …
Common Heritage
Phil Johnson has an interesting entry entitled “Machen Speaks From the Grave,” and I am in sympathy with much of what he notes there. In a era of postmodern and relativistic mush, we ought to be wary of all ecumenical common-causers who think that moralism is the most important thing about religion. But while Machen …
The Cross and Eschatology
Many Christians veer into one of two errors in their view of future history. Either they plunge into a very exciting study of the “end times,” and become consumed with the book of Revelation and newspaper reports about the European Union, killer bees, trouble in the Middle East, and so forth, or they dismiss the …
Fair and Unfair
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) Growing Dominion, Part 51 One difficult aspect of learning to operate your own business is the lesson of learning how to take your lumps. In dealing with the general public, a customer’s reactions will often be out of proportion when considered in the …
On the Dark Side of Every Moon
Minister: Lift up your hearts! Congregation: We lift them up to the Lord! God Almighty, Maker of all things, we praise Your ineffable wisdom and power, Your kindness and mercy, Your justice and law, Your Son and Your Spirit. We thank You for receiving our worship now. We confess that You are the God above …