Arranged On The Altar

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The Word of God is like a very sharp sword, and the Bible teaches us that preparation for worship is actually preparation to be cut in pieces so that God might place us on His altar. As He does this, we ascend before Him in the smoke of the burnt offering. Our prayers, our psalms, our saying of the amen, all our worship, are all smoke from the burnt offering, and the aroma of this offering is most pleasing to God.

But if there is no fire, then nothing ascends. If You resist the cutting of the Word, and fight His arrangement of Your life in accordance with His Word, then you are proclaiming that you want all Your religion to remain earthbound.

In a real sense, it does remain earth-bound for the false worshipper. That worship, as true worship, bounces off the ceiling. But in another sense, such a person is guilty of a great trespass. He is gathered with a people who intend to worship God in the heavenly realms, in Christ Jesus, and covenantally he accompanies us as we ascend before Him. This means that while his worship, as true worship, does not reach into the heavens, the insult does. So take care that we do not shrink back as the dividing of the joints and marrow comes a little too close to our joints, and our marrow.

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