In the most recent Credenda on the blues, I made this comment in passing. “How are we to make sense of all this as Christians? The blues, just like everything else we try to think about, are not neutral. Nothing is ever neutral. So how are we to evaluate what we listen to? Should we …
Help Wanted
New St. Andrews College and Christ Church-Moscow seek a joint music instructor and church music director for fall 2005. Position includes teaching year-long Music Colloquium and elective courses, conducting the College’s and church’s choirs, and serving as church music director. Master’s degree and choral conducting experience required, preferably at the collegiate level. Salary and benefits …
Debate With James White (DVD)
Off to the right, third item down, is the debate I had last year with James White on whether or not Roman Catholics are members of the new covenant. It is now available through Canon Press (sorry about the delay), and we hope you are edified by it.
Aleph, Bet, Gimmel, Darn
For those pastors who will be coming to our ministerial conference this fall (on biblical typology), we are offering two intensive language courses in Hebrew and Greek in coordination with the conference. We are doing this because we are convinced (as were the Reformers) that for ministers competence in the original languages of Scriptures is …
St. Anne’s Public House
I have long enjoyed listening to Ken Myer’s work with his Mars Hill Audio Journal. Let me plug it again here, and all you have to do is click on this magic button. But not many of you know that out there in the world of audio journals Mars Hill has a merry little sister …
Boys and Poetry
One of the great disasters of our day (and there are many to choose from) can be found in the fact that most boys hold poetry in contempt. For various reasons, and it is a long and sordid story, a love for poetry can get you designated as some kind of a swish. This is …
Association of Classical and Christian Schools
I am getting ready to head out to Atlanta next week for the annual ACCS convention. Early returns indicate that this might be our most successful and fruitful conference to date. You can register on line (just click here Education is one of the central battleground issues of our day, and it is hard to …
Free Information for Virginians
In just a few weeks (July 10, to be precise), Nancy and I will be teaching a one-day Reforming Marriage conference in Lynchburg, Virginia, which may turn out to be the first annual marriage conference. For more information, contact Virgil Hurt, the pastor of Providence Church in Lynchburg at  I will be preaching at Providence the …
The Blurb Drum
For those of you who have students in your home who love the Word (and who therefore love words), I need to beat the blurb drum for a moment — just to alert you to a first-rate opportunity. A good friend and colleague has started up an internet tutorial service in creative writing, and I …
May I ask you to check out what my friend Pete Hurst is doing at