We had some short showings of original films at Trinity Fest, but I was occupied with things and stuff and didn’t get to them. But afterwards, when I had a moment to breathe, I went down to Canon and got a copy of Sourdoughs by Doug Jones, and watched it at home. It was just …
Trinity Fest Banner
We are gearing up for Trinity Fest the week after next — we are looking forward to a wonderful time. All systems are go, and registrations have been robust. To whet your appetite, we now have a banner over Main Street, which you can check out here.
A Filter for Gunk.com
My friend Randy Booth recently preached a sermon on blogging and the cursing of Shimei. The sermon notes were really good, and I recommend you take a look at them here. Randy is planning a series of messages at his home church on this general theme, and so after waiting an appropriate period of time …
Extended Deadline
The last time I did this, a discussion broke out over whether we ought to cancel Trinity Fest. With this shameless appeal, because I am running that risk yet again, let me begin by showing the consistency between repentance of sin and rejoicing before the Lord. The reason for Trinity Fest in the first place …
C.S. Lewis and First Editions. No, Not Kenny Rogers.
May I take a minute to plug Santa Cruz Books? If you would like to get your hands on a C.S. Lewis first edition, this is the place for you. I have added this site to my Books section on the left. Full disclosure: the site is run and maintained by a co-grandparent of the …
Way to Go Again
This is not a shameless appeal exactly, but I didn’t know what category to put it under. This last week, the mock trial team for Logos School won the Idaho State Championship, and they are heading off to the national competition in a month or so. This is (I believe) the third year in a …
Sky Cow Books
One of the corollaries of the Great Commission is that we are supposed to fill the earth with our books, as the prophet Isaiah intimated. Toward that end, I wanted to draw your attention to the books category on the left margin of this page, where you can find, as Jonathan Edwards would have put …
Prospective Student Weekends At NSA
New St. Andrews College has (not one but) two Prospective Student Weekends coming up. The first is February 17-20 and the second is March 31-April 3. If you are thinking about having your son or daughter attend NSA in the fall, these would be good times to have them come visit NSA. If you are …
Check It Out
My son Nate wrote a review of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for Books and Culture. That review is now on-line and can be found at the Christianity Today site here.
Well, Then. Have At It.
I am glad to announce a new feature of this blog, which is that it is actually becoming a blog. Up to this point, it has been more of a web site, without the capacity for you all to respond or comment. But as of this morning, you should notice at the bottom of each …