One of the perennial frustrations in contemporary political discourse is caused by the linguistic dishonesty of the human heart. For example, the Constitution says certain very specific things about what can and cannot be done, and our current crop of solons blithely disregard such “words on a page” in order to do whatever it is …
Grease on the Nose
The only thing that is worse than pathetic behavior is pathetic behavior supplemented with pathetic excuses. Those who would violate the pastoral/church member relation (on a massive scale) in order to get material for their partisan mud-gobbing are pathetic. Those who would try to justify such a thing by pointing to what they thought they …
Dishonest Shamelessness
Two additional comments on the Christ Church minutes issue as they relate to Paul Kimmell. Those who have raised the question quoted those minutes as follows — “Doug Wilson reported that Paul Kimmell, in his role as County Commissioner, is open to oversight from the elders on certain issues.” Having being given the date by …
Sons of Shimei
Paul Kimmel is a member of our church here in Moscow, and also serves as one of the Latah County commissioners. His faithful public service has been conducted in all integrity, and naturally this has exposed him to the malice of a handful of discontents — whose idea of public discourse follows in the school …
Newsflash 3
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Brazen I Call It
One full day after finding out that they have a plagiarized speech adorning their homepage, I check on it today, and lo! I find out that it is still there. I am bumfuddled by this, since we have all been solemnly instructed that this is the most grievous of academic offenses. Maybe there has not …
For the Unreasonable
One of the most obvious and exquisite ironies in all this is that the particular webpage where our alleged plagiarism is documented has a homepage. That homepage has a bunch of places to go in order to get your tolerant juices flowing, and the seventh link down, inspirationally-placed, is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a …
For Reasonable People
The subsequent paragraphs are more extensive quotations from a letter to involved parties of some months ago. For those who are interested in what happened, they contain that explanation, as well as our attitude toward all this before our slander impresarios started this most recent campaign. At the same time, one place where Dr. __________ …
The circumstances of this recent blowup are such that I have to make a fundamental distinction in my responses. Out of the tumult of the last several years, this is the first issue where those attacking Christ Church have a substantive point. For all reasonable people who are watching this, it is important for all …
Plagiarism, Aye
As some may recall, a booklet that I cowrote with Steve Wilkins entitled Southern Slavery As It Was was at the center of quite a hubbub last February. What some may not realize is that Canon Press pulled the title from their inventory around the time of that controversy. This was not because we were …