I would like to follow up on my two previous posts found here and here with a few additional comments. Political engagement is messy, and so welcome to planet earth. When actual political controversies are going on, they are . . . well, controversies. It takes backbone to get in there and fight. When you …
Empty Pulpits or Full Churches?
I would like to draw your attention to Brad Littlejohn’s rejoinder to my post here. That rejoinder is down in the comments. This was my post on how an Obama vote disqualifies a man from ministry. Thanks to Brad for the comments, and for the opportunity for me to follow up on my initial post. …
Resume Speed
Greetings everyone. My apologies for the slow posting, and for the log jam in the comment moderation. We are back up to speed now. We were beefing up security still further, which meant that my front page stayed operational, while I lost access to my back page. This happened while I was at Knox Presbytery, …
Home Made Porn
We received a question for our Ask Doug video feature, and I thought it might be wiser to answer it here. The question has to do with what a husband and wife may do sexually when they are separated for an extended period of time. Military deployments provide a good case in point. It is …
Ashtown Release
What: Release Party for Ashtown III, Empire of Bones When: October 22, 2013 Where: Book People of Moscow Whether you’re here in Moscow, ID or on the other side of the globe, you can pre-order signed copies for 20% in store or on the web, http://www.bookpeopleofmoscow.com/ashtown-burials-3-empire-bones-signed-nd-wilson. Here’s what the School Library Journal had to say …
Rabbits Should Know What Hawks Look Like
I was talking with a friend about the political monkey house that is our time, and the subject moved to the condition of the church in all of this. First, some ball park data. About one quarter of the electorate self-identifies as evangelical, and I am talking here about the white, born-again types. Please note …
Of a Novel, Not a Collection of Short Stories
“If the history of the world is a story, then theology is a type of literary criticism” (God Rest Ye Merry, p. 11).
The Distinguished Charles Krauthammer
I must rise to differ with the distinguished Charles Krauthammer. You may have noticed that I have been remarkably silent about the government shutdown shenanigans. This is not because I have nothing to say — indeed, every day that passes without government, I feel that Great Society ache in my bones lightening. And the crick …
Sacramental Living
“Though there are only two sacraments, they give sacramental significance to our entire lives” (For a Glory and a Covering, p. 146).
School Rules Are Not the Answer
One of the great challenges faced by classical and Christian schools is the challenge of growth swamping that which is the cause of the growth. If there is one three-man lifeboat in the water, and a hundred people also in the water, the thing that makes the lifeboat an object of desire is the same …