In order to understand the meaning of our life together in public, we have to come to grips with a series of distinctions. This is something that Americans used to understand very well, so much so that it is still deep in our DNA. But decades of progressivist propaganda — ladled over the tops of …
Clean Up to His Neck
In Washington these days, in order to get anything done, you have to go along to get along, roll a few logs, scratch a few backs, and trade a few horses. But then, in order to get anything worthwhile done, you have to make everybody who matters angry. This is precisely what Ted Cruz has …
Five Questions About Two Kingdoms
In my various discussions of the modern forms of “two kingdom” theology, I have frequently summed up my concerns with the question of how many kings there are. This has made my point, to a point, but it still needs to be pushed into the corners. Here is my summary of what I take to …
Marrying Your First Husband Again
Many things can be said, and have been, about divorce and remarriage. I want to make just a few additional observations, using as a platform the odd legislation found in Deuteronomy 24:1-4. In order to set the context, I hold the common view among evangelicals that divorce and remarriage is not permitted unless the other …
Empire of Bones Release
Today is the official release date for Empire of Bones, which you can get for yourself here. If you are in the Moscow area a couple hours from now, you can come down to the book release party at Bookpeople on Main Street, 5 pm to 7 pm. This is the third book in the …
Playing With the Cool Kids
An optical illusion is created by the pageantry of national political conventions. Because they serve the same organizational function as a junior high pep rally, and because politicians of the same party only occasionally take one another on seriously, the illusion is that the “Republicans” or the “Democrats” are on the same team. And I …
Bultitude Records and Brother Down
A lot of new stuff is barreling toward us. Tell you what. I will do my best to keep up with the announcements, and you do your best to stand clear. Here is a press release announcing the formation of a record label with Canon Press — Bultitude Records. And here is the first album …
A Short Intro to NSA
Bitterness and the Unsubmissive Wife
Well, I suppose it is time once again to set the cat among the pigeons. This is not done for purposes of entertainment, but rather for edification. We need to let the Scriptures admonish us where we are sinning, and not where we are in no real danger of sinning, or where admonitions are established …
Like a Muddied Spring
Some questions have arisen in the course of my recent posts on the responsibility of Christian leaders to know where the central evil in our day resides. In a recent exchange, I said there are many, many bad Republicans, and no good Democrats. I should have made clear in saying this that I was talking …