This is not so much another “I told you so” but rather another “I tried to tell you so.” The other day I related how, in my debate with Andrew Sullivan, I tried to show that after same-sex mirage had a foothold in our society, the next folks in line, using all the same arguments, …
Which Leads Us Further In
“The leaves on the tree of life are for the healing of the nations, and they cannot be applied without the nations actually getting better (Rev. 22:2)” (God Rest Ye Merry, p. 43).
Some of That Magic Constitution Dust
A number of months ago, I debated Andrew Sullivan on the subject of same sex marriage, and one of the points I sought to make was a point that he just couldn’t get his head around. To review, the point was this: a society that doesn’t know what marriage is in situation x cannot suddenly …
The Miracle Below
“He might tell us about the time He sent one of His celestial glories down into our sky over Bethlehem. And He did this to especially mark the most remarkable thing that He ever did — His eternal Word took the form of a baby boy. And the miracle in the sky above was nothing …
Talking About Cromwell Instead
Thabiti has written a kind-hearted piece about how to deal with the “crazy Confederate uncles” of the extended Reformed family. Having dealt with some of the crazies that are out there, I believe that in some respects Thabiti is being too kind, while in other respects he is not being kind enough. And that is …
Which Means That a Star is More Than We Think It Is
“If the narrative is to be trusted (and for evangelicals, it must be), then the star of Bethlehem identified a particular house in Bethlehem, singling it out from the others, in order that the magi would know what door to knock on. Now Bethlehem was only about six miles away from Jerusalem. Imagine trying to …
Full Tilt Out There Living
Christianity Today just announced the winners of their 2014 Book Awards. We are very grateful to God for the fact that Nate’s recent book Death By Living won the award in their Spirituality category. Just fun all around. We are grateful to God, knowing that all such things are a gift from Him, and at …
Deeper Grace
“God’s grace is a tsunami that will carry us all away, and deposit us in places we would not have anticipated — and all of them good. We analyze all this carefully, and say that we want our grace to be genuine water, just like the tsunami, but we want it to be a placid …
A Purpose Driven Book Review
I won’t go into it now, but as a result of a series of odd events, I decided that at some point I needed to read a book by Rick Warren. I had picked up a copy of his Purpose Driven Life at a used bookstore, and despite the fact that California evangelical megachurch land …
Grace Got Loose
“Grace is not something we do. Grace is not something we can control. Grace is not something we can manage. And this means that we in the Church, particularly in the sola gratia wing of the Reformed church, need to recognize that curators of grace are frequently the most dangerous enemies of grace. Grace is …