And It Would Be Hard to Find Anything Less Original

“In Europe as well as in North America, art no longer creates beauty but is meant to shock. Horror, violence, sexual behavior of all kinds, and even bowel and bladder functions are presented on stage and screen and hailed by critics as brilliant and original” (Harold O.J. Brown, The Sensate Culture, p. 240-241).

800 Billion Big Ones

So then, agreement appears to have been reached on the $800 billion 2009 Economic Illiteracy Advancement Act. In times to come, I will be writing in a bit more detail about economics, but let me say a little brief something now. In order to “invest” 800 billion into our troubled economy, the gummint must find …

Open Throttle Abortion Policies

I read about this choice one at BaylyBlog, and commend to you the observations made there. At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama said this: “There is no God who condones taking the life of an innocent human being. This much we know.” This is chutzpah on stilts and steroids. The fact that President Obama …

The Cow With Some Evangelistic Liturature

We arrived in Oxford yesterday, and appear to have brought some Idaho winter with us. It was snowing again here this morning, which is apparently somewhat remarkable here. And of course, whenever it snows in some remarkable fashion, in any kind of proximity to me, I rise to say a few words on the important …

Papers Please

Whenever I travel I am reminded of how clearly and inexorably we are losing our practical freedoms, under Democans and Republicrats both. Even though airplane travel is routine for millions of Americans (at any given moment, 60,000 citizens are in the air somewhere over our country), we, docile sheep all, put up with indignities that …

But Then It Didn’t

“A variant that was not sent down from the top was ‘the revolution of the sixties,’ a sort of Rousseauist hope that by destroying the ‘hypocrisy’ of petty bourgeois, Christian-tinged morality and conventions, a new ‘Age of Aquarius’ would drop down out of somewhere” (Harold O.J. Brown, The Sensate Culture, p. 229).