So the post on Noah generated a lot of interest, and I thought I should follow it all up with just a few comments. Many thanks for all the responses and interaction. I have three points to make in response. The first has to do with what some identify as “off the trail” opinions, and …
All Stove In
Andrew Sullivan should receive real credit for saying, as he did, that if the treatment of Brendan Eich is what the gay rights movement is all about, then he, Sullivan, wanted to be dealt out. Eich is the Mozilla CEO who was forced to resign because he donated money a few years ago in defense …
Clear Thinking in the Melee
We have gotten to that stage in the battle where the forces have fully joined, and there is no longer — properly speaking — a front. We do not have a distinguishable line anymore. It is more like a melee, with different colored uniforms everywhere. And this is why every topic has been swept up …
Wordsmithy 2014
You should notice the banner ad at the top about our annual Wordsmithy conference. I am really looking forward to it. The press release for it is below, and you can click on the banner for more. Andrew Peterson, N.D. Wilson headline Wordsmithy 2014 Registration opens for writer’s workshop in Idaho Aspiring writers can sign …
Animated Letters
“The letter kills. Paul cannot mean that letters themselves automatically do this, because he is warning of this problem by means of letters. He was not guilty of the problem he was warning against — his ministry was not of letters, but of the Spirit, and we know this because he used letters to tell …
Book of the Month/April 2014
I have been blessed by David Wells for many years. This book, God in the Whirlwind, is the capstone of a particular writing project, one that began with No Place for Truth. I read that book in 1994, and have been faithfully reading his other contributions as they came out. The other books, well worth …
A Temptation for the Tidy-minded
“Illegitimate systematics is done by the kind of people who put together jigsaw puzzles with a pair of scissors and mallet handy. The solution is not to abandon systematics, which is not possible anyway. Everybody in this discussion has a system because everybody wants to understand what the Bible as a whole teaches. Our task …
Like the Thing They Loved
A number of times I have sought to reinforce the biblical principle that you become like what you worship. This is an inexorable law; there are no opt outs. The passage I have cited most often in this regard is where the psalmist says that those who make idols are “like unto them” (Ps. 115:8) …
A Great Aphorism
One of the reasons why Chesterton is such an encouragement to us is that he understands the role of imagination. This is not the same thing as understanding imagination itself — for no man understands that — but Chesterton does understand the important role that imagination must play. He understands it, and he practices what …
I Like the Trailer, but the Book is Better
Boys of Blur | Official Trailer from Gorilla Poet Productions on Vimeo.