I just recently finished reading Not Cool by Greg Gutfeld. It is a book filled with astounding insights and unnecessary crassness, and all from someone who describes himself as a “troubled agnostic.” Gutfeld sees, as few other people do, that our politics is a matter of preening, and that the whole country is a maladministered …
Announcing the Wenden House Project
I am really excited about this one. All the labor that has gone into the recovery of Latin is starting to bear some serious fruit. The press release from NSA is below: An initiative at New Saint Andrews College will fund graduate student fellowships to translate theological works of 16th- and 17th-century Reformers from Latin …
So Go Nomo to the Pomo
So I have written about the problems of postmodernism, what I have called the problem of European brain snakes. This might seem a little dismissive, but it all works out, because it actually is dismissive. Allow me to collect my thoughts on this in one place. First, postmodernism, and all the posturing and posing connected …
Because Conversion Turns Us
“I have not seen the same kind of willingness on the part of sacramentalists to admit that what they are telling us isn’t working, as measured by those indicators that the New Testament gives us as being inconsistent with inheriting the kingdom of God” (Against the Church, pp.75-76).
Honest . . .
“Evangelicalism can be divided into two broad wings. The first wing houses a sedate wax museum containing the likenesses of such worthies as Jonathan Edwards, A.W. Tozer, and Carl Henry, while the second wing contains the teeming and swollen Barnum & Bailey contingent, not forgetting the tattooed fat lady. In my satiric labors, I have …
Too Thick to Deal With
Looking over the comments below Gaywalkers, Gaytards, and the Gaystapo, I can see that it is time for a refresher course in why we talk here the way we do. To write the same thing for me is not grievous, and for you it is safe (Phil. 3:1). But, alongside the refresher course, a hearty …
Keeping Balance
“The hardest thing in the world to keep is balance, and this is particularly the case when you are in discussions with folks who think you might not be keeping yours” (Against the Church, p. 72).
All Is Grace
“For those who persevere, how they subjectively receive grace is part of what has been objectively given” (Against the Church, p. 69).
Covered Up in Honor
“At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore” (Ps. 16: 11) The Basket Case Chronicles #148 “Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our …
Their Spindly Tower of Temerity
I want to point out two things related to our society’s “evolution” on same sex mirage. The first is that — how shall I put it — the whole thing is being conducted with a certain measure of chutzpah, brass, gall, audacity, arrogance, presumptuousness, cheek, crust, effrontery, insoucience, nutmeg, and bay leaves. The second is …