Seven Key Facts About the Pomosexual Revolt

Facebook recently decided to let people configure their profile with an available list of any number of genders. For them to publish a master list of the available options would obviously be way too confining, but one estimate puts the available options at 58 or so. One example is cisgender, a word for someone who, …

For Millions of Dogs

The average reader of this blog no doubt knows already what the proprietor — putting myself quaintly in the third person — thinks of Obamacare. He thinks it is a dog’s breakfast for millions of dogs. He thinks it is a smoking heap of legislative slag. He thinks it is a misbegotten travesty, a landfill …

Making Bricks and Mortar Stronger

One of the exciting things that Logos Online is doing is creating video classes that can serve bricks and mortar schools. The online revolution as an educational resource is not just for home-schoolers. A day school can supplement the curriculum this way as well. Click here for a video clip sampler.   Logos Online School …

Aluminum Deniers

A couple of posts ago, I said that limited government was absolutely dependent upon public virtue. Here’s why. It all goes back to Burke’s “little platoons.” Raw individualism is not the opposite of the collective. It is what makes the collective possible. The collective likes it. The Hive can handle a pothead bee. The collective …

Sanctuary and Parish

I have written before on the ideal relationship of church and kingdom, comparing it to the church at the center of town, and life in the kingdom fanning out into the parish from that center. Word and sacrament are at the center, and they shape and form the lives of believers outside the sanctuary, but …